Example sentences of "with [art] few [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 C Walker and Sons was founded in Blackburn 30 years ago by two brothers , Jack and Fred Walker , with a few thousand pounds of capital and has grown from a business with a turnover of under £100,000 in the late 1950s to a £620m concern with 3,400 employees in the UK and Ireland and profits last year of £48.4m .
2 In local studies , for instance , there is a local church , particularly if it is a fairly old village church with a few hundred years of history behind it .
3 With a few simple lines of BASIC great sweeping designs can be made to appear and disappear , colours will change and a new pattern emerges .
4 Half way through the Blackeyes saga , it looks as though we are going to have to make do with a few set pieces of one-to-one hostility .
5 On several occasions the obituarists have been poised , ready to send the man to his grave with a few solemn words of recognition .
6 Paul began the show with a few mouth-watering shots of American roadside crags .
7 It had been a wet May with a few scarce hours of sunshine at the beginning of the month and little since , but today the grey skies that had hung over the land like a shroud had broken , and high white clumps of cloud were bowling swiftly across the blue sky betokening a day of good weather .
8 It will look very strange if you choose a single , and extremely large , flower with a few wispy pieces of foliage for one season , while the next is a furious mix of masses of tiny alpine flowers and foliage .
9 Bottles of Coke , Tizer and Pepsi were lined up , along with a few token bottles of Perrier and Evian .
10 When Alain 's mother finally went inside with a few rueful shakes of her head and a pleased look on her face , Jenna decided to risk all .
11 With a few deft strokes of the brush , Katherine gathered up Portia 's fine sandy hair into a loop at the back of her head and let its length trail her shoulders .
12 Bryan took up his drawing board and , with a few quick strokes of his black felt-tipped pen , he drew outlines of the bills , head shapes and size differences of the two gulls to make all quite clear .
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