Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the initial impact of Anatolian and Persian designs and their consequent fusion with the traditional decorative schemes of each country , European designs tended to reflect the broader artistic and design movements of each successive period .
2 This was TV 's first half-hour news bulletin , and something of which Pilkington could have been proud , since research had shown in 1966 that 83 per cent of viewers were perfectly content with the traditional fifteen minutes at 8.55 pm .
3 The Group retains a strong concern with the traditional macro-economic issues of fiscal and monetary policy , inflation , the exchange rates for sterling , UK trade policy and aggregate employment which its UK model was first designed to elucidate and which are still in certain respects important subjects of controversy at the analytic level ( although there seems to have been some convergence of short-term and even medium-term conditional predictions ) .
4 When he returned from exile , he was fired with the wish to help his country catch up with the advanced industrial countries of the west , so he set up the Czech Industrial Museum in his family brewery .
5 Adapted in Baghdad and Cairo , cross-fertilized with the ancient medical practices of Pharaonic Egypt , Sumeria , Assyria and Babylon , Unani medicine was finally codified into a cohesive system by the great Arab scholar Ibn Sina ( or Avicenna as he was known in the mediaeval west ) .
6 ‘ And if they put into Mait 's mind the idea of crossing German willingness to use biochem weapons with the ancient potion-making skills of his own people … . ’
7 But , of course , others insist that it could never be humane in practice because the essence of the cruelty is not only in causing a painful and prolonged death but , rather , in the harrowing chase of the animal , and moreover , of an animal which has not evolved with the typical biological characteristics of a prey species .
8 BY TINKERING with the complex atomic frameworks of minerals called zeolites , chemists have developed catalysts that can turn low-grade fuels into petrol and useful raw materials .
9 His own dismissal of deconstruction as a merely textual practice means that he is himself at a loss when faced with the complex conceptual dialectics of the same and the other .
10 It may be that the disjunction , for most modern English speakers , between abstract terms and concrete imagery has something to do with the complex foreign origins of the English language .
11 Systems theory is concerned with the complex inter- relationships between the many different parts of a system ( eg. the organisation ) , and the effect of the environment on the system ( and vice versa ) .
12 It would only be a matter of time , analysts warned , before a conservative backlash would begin with the usual repressive measures against bourgeois liberalism .
13 She has no truck with the usual literary clichés of the region — glorious magnolias , elegant tea parties , Confederates by moonlight .
14 The French reacted by opening negotiations with the Jacobite exiles in Paris , who responded with the usual optimistic accounts of the prospects for an invasion .
15 3 To ensure the patient returns to the ward in comfort and safety with the correct postoperative instructions for his continuing care .
16 1981 ) have done so largely on the basis of comparing the known terrible effects of nuclear weapons with the key underlying principles of the laws of war .
17 Her love sighs were suddenly interrupted by a commotion outside , the screams of women mingling with the deep gruff shouts of some of the convent 's labourers and porters .
18 What the staff provide is understanding and tolerance of difficult behaviour ; they also assist with the practical caring tasks of washing , dressing and feeding , and they encourage , supervise and train patients to carry out these tasks for themselves .
19 Their vigour contrasted unhelpfully with the chipped green racks of sound cassettes along the walls , featuring Winnie-the-Pooh and Advanced Computer English in Three Hours .
20 San Quentin Point is the third part of a trilogy which began with THE NEW INDUSTRIAL PARKS NEAR IRVINE , CALIFORNIA ( 1975 ) — a foundation block of the " New Topographics " — and was followed by PARK CITY , a book of 102 photographs which describe the construction of a ski resort of that name a few miles east of Salt Lake City , Utah ( published 1980 ) .
21 Thus far Easthope 's ideas have affinities both with the New Critical applications of modernism , and Lewis 's independentminded traditionalism .
22 Some have suggested that the time of death should be postdated to the ninth century , arguing that while the reign of Charlemagne ( 768 – 814 ) saw a last futile effort to revive a state-run fiscal system , rigor mortis finally set in with the new barbarian onslaughts of Vikings and Saracens .
23 To deal with the new strategic requirements for success , all the tools to induce and support action-taking must be available at the front line .
24 But in music , for example , these older relations have become minor by comparison with the new corporate institutions of popular music , based on the new technologies of disc and cassette , where the corporate capitalist mode is decisive .
25 The role of information in an internationally mediated environment has sinister implication when combined with the new high-tech modes of warfare currently being tested in the Gulf .
26 There will be six world-series events in 1990 , starting with the new French Masters at Toulouse in June .
27 In the 1950s , one focus of black resistance was the Bantu Education Act , along with the other legal structures of apartheid .
28 Greenpeace 's continued insistence on non-violent tactics , even when faced with violence , reflects both its cultural origins and its links with the other great movements for social change in the twentieth century .
29 Simon Master , Chairman of the General Books Division , commented : ‘ Combined with the other great strengths of these new publishing structures , I am particularly pleased to welcome Kate Parkin 's new role .
30 Compared with the other great all-rounders of his time , Imran Khan , Richard Hadlee and Kapil Dev , he is certainly the best batsman and best slip fielder , but Hadlee and Imran are more dangerous bowlers , and much less likely to have a bad day .
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