Example sentences of "with [art] [det] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its situation in Edinburgh is both a recognition of past and present links between Scandinavia and Scotland and an excellent opportunity for collaboration with other Scandinavian institutions within the city and with the many other departments with Scandinavian interests within the University .
2 In my opinion , this empty disputation will eventually take its place with the many other myths of human evolution .
3 We hope to make contact with the many Catholic teachers in state high schools to see if we can organise an RE programme for the Catholic pupils .
4 Courage in the Skies ( Stanley Paul , 208pp , illus , hbk , £18.99 ) by AVM Johnnie Johnson and W/C Laddie Lucas two distinguished World War Two pilots , brings to life the many characters that have played a prominent part in aviation combat history , along with the many amazing developments in aircraft technology from the days of World War One to the more recent Operation Desert Storm in the Gulf .
5 My car is a Metro , quite small compared with the many large cars without disabled badges that continually park ( presumably with this warden 's blessing ) in this particular road .
6 The pale green mount was chosen to blend with the many different shades of leaves and flowers that I had in store , and is made from a linen textured mountboard which gives a more interesting effect than plain green card .
7 A lot of them are concerned and confused with the many different types of rose , so we will begin by describing them and explaining the meaning of many of the names you will come across — that will help you choose wisely , and without regretful afterthoughts .
8 Northern Ireland now has no polytechnics ; in 1985 its one polytechnic merged with the former New University of Ulster to become the University of Ulster .
9 He clashed with the former Labour MP on air , arguing the bombing was ‘ justified ’ in law because it had been ‘ reasonable in all the circumstances ’ .
10 Developing its role in fostering relations with the former communist countries of central and eastern Europe , EFTA concluded free trade agreements on Dec. 10 with Poland and Romania ; signed a declaration on co-operation with Albania ; and took note that both the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic had declared that they would apply on an interim basis from Jan. 1 the EFTA-Czechoslovakia free trade agreement signed on March 20 [ see p. 38834 ] .
11 At their annual party congress , held in Dresden on Dec. 15-17 , the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) papered over divisions over how to tackle the question of party members ' collaboration with the former communist regime in East Germany .
12 IBM Corp 's vast personal computer contract with the former Soviet Ministry of Education ended early with just 15,000 machines installed in schools and only 75% of those paid for , IBM Europe chief Renato Riverso told the Wall Street Journal ; he also said that IBM has yet to receive its first payment on its $150m contract to provide Aeroflot with a modern reservations system .
13 The armed forces were already scheduled to be cut to 370,000 as a consequence of the negotiations with the former Soviet Union concerning withdrawal of its troops from Germany .
14 Israel established diplomatic relations with the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan and Armenia during April .
15 Diplomatic relations were established on July 7 with the former Soviet republics of Armenia , Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan .
16 On Jan. 16 Hungary became the first country to establish bilateral diplomatic relations with the former Soviet republic of Moldova .
17 One local paper , the Windsor Observer , discovered that almost all Alford 's official observers at the count were Tory party members ; and another , the Slough Express , photographed him after the count , enjoying a celebratory drink with the former Tory leader of Slough council .
18 In the north , according to Le Monde of Feb. 27 , Somali National Movement ( SNM ) leaders were considering demanding a revision of the 1960 act of union , which had linked former British Somaliland in the north with the former Italian colony in the south .
19 The protectionist attitude of the majority of EEC members has also prevailed , sadly , with respect to trade with the former eastern-bloc countries of Europe .
20 The founding assembly of the Kurdish Liberation Movement , meeting in Lachin on June 9 with other Kurdish ex-Soviet informal organizations , announced the revival of the Kurdish state , with the former Kurdish capital of Lachin as its capital .
21 But the new policy went ahead from the following autumn , 1956 , with the former resident tutors for Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire being redeployed as staff tutors and with Vivian Ramsbottom as Administrative Officer of the Joint Committee given a roving commission to encourage WEA branches in those counties now deprived of resident tutors .
22 For some time I had wanted to move further from London with its many social distractions , and now with the half million words of notes I had brought back with me from my world tour waiting to be distilled into a book , I felt the need more than ever .
23 What we do find , as with the few collective farms in Roslavl' , is an obsession with possible growth-points admired by the Bolsheviks .
24 But if we try to use the same two adjectives with the same two nouns in a predicative construction we shall find that the result is ungrammatical : ( 49 ) that rival was possible those two sailors are occasional As in other instances , it is not enough merely to record that possible , occasional and certain other adjectives are ungrammatical in predicative position when constructed with certain nouns .
25 He had added the last three words with the same morose carelessness with which he had decried the car dealers ' convention , but he offered no elucidation as to what the words meant .
26 Software packages as yet to be developed and published for general release or as customized packages by with the same overall features of Inform , Workbase and Executive English .
27 ‘ I do feel , ’ Rune was continuing with the same reasonable approach with which he doubtless addressed a board meeting , ‘ that we need an in-depth discussion about its capabilities and design before we consider the best way to market it in the United Kingdom . ’
28 Although he came to Parliaments regularly enough , he spent his last twenty years running his diocese with the same competent mediocrity by which he had come by it .
29 He looked very like his mother with the same round head on a delicate neck , the same beautifully shaped mouth .
30 Are we to continue with the same inadequate medicine for the same old obstinate sickness ?
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