Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [noun sg] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is pointed out that more manpower in R&D will be needed to cope with the additional design changes and modifications they will produce .
2 How far he has come since the days in Harry Fischer 's office above the tobacconist 's , with the cosy office jokes and the lunch time beers in the pub !
3 Many dealers , realizing they need to offer the best possible service to their customers to compete with the bigger mail-order firms and direct sellers , are also keen to offer good standards of back-up and support .
4 The mean accident estimate was thus used to split the data into the ‘ junctions with the highest accident estimates and the 23 with the lowest ( 3 junctions with the median score of 2.3 were not included in this analysis ) .
5 main problem at the moment is that they want one person to deal , cos at the moment we 've got us dealing with national account and we 've got dealing with the regional account managers and sales execs dealing with the individual branches and I think things are getting lost as it goes from one to the other
6 And there are certain strategic reasons why the I feel that a number of the employment needs of York in terms of location , advantages , and other advantages , would not match with the new settlement criteria once they 're put .
7 He called for Russia 's relations with the other union republics and with the union itself to be regulated by separate treaties , and for a union treaty to be renegotiated by a conference of parliamentarians from the union republics which would work out " new , mutually acceptable forms of community " without " prior political and economic conditions " .
8 The two countries now have the right to dump such material after 2007 , but they have undertaken to give serious consideration to finding land-based alternatives in the meantime and will only be able to dump after consultation with the other signatory states and in accordance with the " no-harm " principle .
9 Exeter would act as principal negotiator with the other health authorities and the county social services department , and with the other health authorities , loaning some of its own senior managers to the latter agencies in order to ensure that they implemented change , so guaranteeing withdrawal from the big hospitals .
10 As envisaged before the election the chamber approved the establishment of a committee to investigate MPs ' alleged involvement with the former security police or " Stasi " [ see p. 37302 ] .
11 We have received recently , from the Department of Transport , a consultation document which is the result of negotiations with the European Commission officials and which proposes certain relaxations in the proposed legislation .
12 The solution lies with the front row players and perhaps firmer refereeing of this area with the law of repeated infringement being implemented .
13 In August 1917 the war losses concession of the Board of Trade did something to take the edge off a rapidly deteriorating situation and Wilson 's preoccupation with the Labour Party pacifists and the Merchant Seamen 's League tended to keep such matters off the pages of The Seaman .
14 This is a 7½ inch gauge which runs parallel with the standard gauge tracks and collects its name from the adjacent coal yard .
15 What is critical is that care managers should be able to command authority with the various service agencies and with others such as consultant psychiatrists , probation officers , senior housing managers and so on , as one of their key tasks is to cajole , encourage and , at times , bully services out of government and private agencies .
16 In 1970 Mr Heath had established the Central Policy Review Staff to deal with the long-term strategy matters and provide briefs for the Cabinet as a whole .
17 Garnish with the chopped cashew nuts and dust the salad with a little cayenne pepper .
18 Serve the turkey breasts sprinkled with the remaining sesame seeds and with the sauce handed separately .
19 ‘ I did pick up a lot of younger listeners with the early evening shows and it 's harder for them to tune in now , which I regret , but , without wanting to sound melodramatic , I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on and I already feel better . ’
20 ‘ I did pick up a lot of younger listeners with the early evening shows and it 's harder for them to tune in now , which I regret , but , without wanting to sound melodramatic , I would have done myself a mischief if I 'd carried on and I already feel better . ’
21 Given the government 's commitment to control public expenditure and reduce taxation , her main troubles in the first term were with the major spending departments and with ministers who favoured some further reflation to ease unemployment .
22 There are three ways to handle interrupts in the Corollary system : to transfer all the interrupts to one processor , transfer them to the CPU with the lowest priority tasks or distributing them to more than one processor .
23 That would appear to make it worthwhile for science to be a little more lenient with the serious UFO researchers and their data .
24 Just the thing to go with that glytex suit with the see-through lubricant ducts and tungsten bearings .
25 SHAPE has its own radio links with the mobile launcher centres and with the bases for the cruise missiles .
26 The wooden propellers have fixed blades — another simplification compared with the variable pitch propellers that BHC used in the past to alter the thrust .
27 With the long summer evenings and school holidays about to start … the Police are pledged to keep up the pressure against the joyriders
28 Short-term or emergency policies to try to reduce the pollution levels during a smog and to cope with the adverse health effects and economic disruption of a smog are complex .
29 We greatly value the close contact we have with the Junior School prefects and the Sixth Year pupils , as well as the assistance we receive from parents in a variety of situations .
30 They fell victims , along with others , to the belief that if a building complied with the existing building regulations and Codes of Practice it must be deemed to be safe .
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