Example sentences of "you [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So I 'd like you to drive me in the pony and trap , just till I know where people live . ’
2 Now look at that I want you to see them in the bath , they enjoy themselves like children .
3 They are not prescriptive and it is open to you to implement them in the way that best suits your firm .
4 ‘ I thought my secretary told you to meet me at the house in Edinburgh ?
5 It is not necessary for you to meet him at the moment — in fact , he is not here right at this moment — but you may use the telephone .
6 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
7 In accordance with Section 29 of the Companies Act 1982 we require you to provide us with the names and addresses of the partners in your business .
8 ‘ I really can not expect you to accept me after the way in which I have behaved , and then was wicked enough to read your private book , and the cuttings are there , I knew that you would want them back , and I expect that you will wish to make a career in journalism , and why accept a poor doctor , no need to do that , you can always live on your father 's allowance and what a remarkable man he is , so like you , or earn your living by your pen … ’
9 The Undo command gives you a second chance when you delete a block of text in error by allowing you to replace it in the document exactly where it came from .
10 ‘ We like you to open it on the spot , just in case there 's a query . ’
11 ‘ Yes , and I wanted you to help me with the lumbar puncture .
12 " We were going to ask you to fix it in the pot so it 'll stand up , " I said quickly .
13 Yo , your mum told you to do it in the nude ?
14 It is up to you to put them in the mood you want .
15 And I will actually draw or paint a word picture for you to put you in the scene .
16 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
17 ‘ Now I need to know who paid you or blackmailed you to call me in the weighing room . ’
18 It 's easy for you to have it at the theatre , mhm
19 I understand that it would be possible for you to supply us with the manuscripts by the end of August this year .
20 ‘ And it was as a result of these conversations that he invited you to join him on the dahabeeyah ? ’
21 The moment you feel the need for confession and the Mass , tell me and I 'll arrange for you to join us in the chapel . ’
22 ‘ It was very good of you to take them to the sea .
23 So you , it , he got you to move it in the end ?
24 The , if any of the ladies would like to go down to the village or anybody , the church is open and I think there 's somebody there who would welcome you to show you round the church down in the village which , I know , during the war years at different times , quite a lot of you chaps did attend and er so we do hope you will see and , and of course later on I hope you 'll be coming down to mine for a cup of tea .
25 Could anybody have seen you to associate you with the car even ? ’
26 But that 's what I want tomorrow morning we 'll be looking at your preparation tonight on your call and I want I want you to tell me at the end of each why you chose the route you chose right ?
27 " I want you to tell me about the telephone call this morning , Mrs. Bidwell .
28 But the mystif lovey , I need you to tell me about the mystif .
29 I do n't want you to tell me about the messages that those channel give , okay ?
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