Example sentences of "you [vb past] me [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You would n't recognise me if you met me in the bath . ’
2 Well you got me for the day today , cos I ca n't go now until I fetch the car .
3 ‘ Oh , come on , that 's why you asked me for a drink .
4 You asked me about the stance we were to adopt .
5 ‘ I came because I liked what I saw when you passed me in the corridor back in Helsinki .
6 ‘ Do n't you know that you caught me at an age when Taureans are at their most vulnerable ?
7 Sorry about the mess but you caught me on the hop like .
8 ‘ By the time you found me on the moor , I knew everything , but I could prove nothing .
9 You drew me through the undergrowth out into the light and then left me bare and hurting .
10 ‘ So you told me on the phone . ’
11 This is going to be more or less in line with what erm you told me on the phone anyway is n't it ?
12 Douglas now your background here is mainly erm er retail face to face but I can also read into and what er this and what you told me on the phone that there 's erm quote a lot of sales as well .
13 Of course , when we were in Bruges you told me about the hypochondriac darling you worked for , but what about before that ? ’
14 You told me about the motor .
15 ‘ And , even when you told me about the break-in , I knew it was n't really that . ’
16 In his address to the two houses of the Parliament he proclaimed : ‘ My reign does not date from 1815 ; it dates from the moment you informed me of the nation 's votes . ’
17 You telephoned me at the hotel and had that long conversation with me . ’
18 That you showed me on the plan ?
19 ‘ Then , when you disinherited me on the spot — oh , I do n't blame you for that , do n't think it ! — when you said we might reap the just rewards of our flight and marry as paupers , he … he left me flat . ’
20 But you touched me on the cheek .
21 Looking from one to the other , she asked slowly , ‘ You followed me from the ferry ? ’
22 I know , you hit me on the head .
23 " I saw it in your eyes the other day when you warned me about the marchioness .
24 I 've seen her several times and before you rang me at the theatre , she had promised to find out where you were and tell me . ’
25 You deprived me of the chance to be there for him , and for my mother , when he was dying , because there were n't any jobs going in radio in Johannesburg at the time , so I had to go to Durban .
26 You saw me at the tomb , ’ replied the man .
27 You saw me as a challenge — a little harder than the rest , perhaps , but there for the taking , nevertheless .
28 You presented me with a daughter lately it 's high time you had a present yourself . ’
29 So I better 'ave it out , Annie , that 's if I can pawn me lace tablecloth for one an' six , same as you gave me on the watch . ’
30 But if you had me on the table or on the trolley in intensive care — the submarine blip of the oscilloscope ( like a lost code ) , the richly sighing respirator-then I 'd be going , going , tumbling end over end .
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