Example sentences of "you [vb base] at the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Listen boy , ’ he said , addressing the son and ignoring Matilda , ‘ seeing as you 'll be going into this business with me one day , you 've got to know how to add up the profits you make at the end of each day .
2 For what you make at the end of the day on , on somebody 's
3 That there 's always this if you scratch at the surface of happiness and goodness .
4 If you sit at the back of a lecture hall , you 'll get less out of it than if you sit up front .
5 If you knock at the door of the gamekeeper 's house and he comes to the door wearing an antler head-dress , a black satin robe with a pentangle on it , and is holding a headless bleeding chicken in one hand , then even if he gives you permission to camp , think about going to a B & B. Some country folk are best left to their own devices .
6 When you knock at the door at night , you make sure a policeman and not something else .
7 What result you want at the end of the day ?
8 A savings plan is also an annuity but in this case the cash that you pay in builds up to a sum that you receive at the end of the plan 's term .
9 You stop at the top of the road and look back , to see the flames just starting to become visible over the edge of the hotel roof , dancing orange into the night .
10 The , it is a competitive marketplace ; er we 're not alone in the U K , if you look at the rest of Europe , you 'll find er inflation lower yes , but salary increases for the senior jobs and the top jobs there , are also higher than they are lower down , so this widening of differentials is n't just something that is , is the British disease , it occurs in other European countries as well .
11 But that would give a thousand pound parts and labour , and if you look at the coverage on a Plan Five you 'll see that it covers turbo charges , air conditioning , central locking , as well as all the mainstream power train , all the electrics and everything else .
12 He 's he 's not come yet so erm Perhaps while while we 're waiting for the others I 'll just say a few words about the building , because erm from out here you can see er quite clearly that the central portion of the building is the oldest erm from if you look at the state of the stonework .
13 You go into various parts of the er south west , where their labour control and you look at the state of their buildings , and you think , my God , what on earth have the elected members been doing when you actually see the level of rates that they have set .
14 You 'll find the little diagram showing you where the pulmonary vein and the pulmonary artery are on page eleven , page eleven if you want to refer to it right , if you want to look at it in a closer detail tonight that 's fine and if you want to see what I 'm saying now in a diagrammatic form look on page thirteen now if you look at that you 'll see some , the blue vein blood vessels it 's coming out of the right hand side of the heart and if you look at the direction of the arrows , okay , they 're going away from the heart , do you agree with me ?
15 A recent meeting at the Institute between the national president and presidents and deputy presidents of all district societies re-affirmed the importance of , and the role of , district societies , and if you look at the make-up of the district society presidents and their deputies you will see that this is also representative of all members of the Institute .
16 And if you look at the bottom of that table , somebody up to the age of thirty nine , will pay two percent of their premium erm , for the waiver of premium benefit .
17 If you look at the spectrum of a luminous solid , liquid or high-pressure gas , you will see the familiar rainbow .
18 And if you look at the literature on the American presidency in the post second world war years you will find two themes two related themes .
19 And er , one has to admit , when you look at the literature of like , you know Gandhi , and and this kind of thing , and a lot of it 's psycho-history stuff .
20 Because if you look at the top of her , you you would n't think
21 You look at the vehicle , you look at the driver , you look at the attitude of the vehicle .
22 And certainly if you look at the case for very many women not in the job tops we 're talking about low paid work erm low rates of unionisation , very , very low rates of day care erm it 's those sorts of things that I 'm talking about , and for me those are very , very much more important than the fact that we 've only got one woman Chief Officer at the top in the County Council .
23 And when you look at the price of hiring thirty seconds of advertisement time on television and organising a mass demonstration with some gratuitous violence which will get thirty seconds in a T V news broadcast , erm then I think the cost-efficiency graph shows that the erm violent demonstration is the better way , in those terms .
24 . Now what I 'm now going to do , I 'm going to tell you what these initials are , so if you , on the back of the piece of the paper , you make some notes , because some of these obviously are going to be what you , your personality is , but you also need to note , if you look at the type of things that you can expect from different people in the teams , or the strengths and weaknesses that some people may have in your team .
25 But when you look at the cost of those units
26 But it 's , I think when you look at the cost of labour these days , it 's not surprising any sort of repairs are expensive .
27 ‘ I think most middle class Americans , when you look at the cost plus the benefits , are going to be much , much better off . ’
28 ‘ I suggest you look at the evidence with your own eyes before you start accusations that you might find impossible to back up .
29 I think the evidence though is that men like okay , we 're talking generally , but if you look at the evidence of how many women are raped , one in four of girl children are molested before the age of sixteen , that to me suggests hatred !
30 If you look at the look at that building .
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