Example sentences of "you [vb base] to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I said , ‘ You mean , you push to the front of queues … . ’
2 The contribution you make to the life of the Church is immense .
3 However , while you have been reading the book , you will have converted at least a thousand calories of ordered energy , in the form of food , into disordered energy , in the form of heat that you lose to the air around you by convection and sweat .
4 thank you so have we got this right beyond measure in the chain , the responsibility in the group of companies , you bring to the attention of your board and ultimately to Mr the fact of your concern about the centre piece
5 Taligent/Pink : You walk to the store with Ricardo Montalban , who tells you how wonderful it will be when he can fly you to the store in his Learjet .
6 If you listen to the music on individual programmes you will soon get a fair idea of where the playlist is at each week .
7 When you listen to the Chancellor of the Exchequer sweeping aside concerns about the decision to put VAT on fuel bills with a casual assertion that it will help the national debt and so ultimately benefit every consumer , it gives you the clearest possible indication of how divorced this government has become from the concerns of millions of electors .
8 If you listen to the riff on the record you will notice that every 4th bar Yngwie plays a one bar fill .
9 There is little to be gained from refusing to do so , but if you object to the warning for some reason , you should make that clear and pursue your rights under the appeals procedure .
10 I expected to have my family ripped to shreds , even though my childhood was extremely happy , but in Freudian analysis you look to the family for the source of all your anxieties .
11 If you add to the concern for blacks as victims a concern for the working class , for the poor , for the vulnerable and for women , you have an understanding of the realist approach today .
12 If , on the other hand , you are not , then you need to make the effort and change the priority you give to the organisation of time .
13 Whereas the men , the men were taught to be more tidy erm although let me say this that er if you asked Jimmy who was an old established fitter in Brothers , where you would find a certain item , you know , in the fitting department , er he could go and get it , erm but er when the new system was invoked er everybody knew that they were stored either you know to the north of the department or to the south or whatever .
14 it 's alright but you get to the bottom of those stairs and sometimes .
15 And you get rid of the idea of the force getting stronger the closer you get to the ball by saying the curvature gets greater . ’
16 That summit was partially hidden , however , for when you get to the top of the final slope there 's a level stretch that takes you just out of view .
17 When you get to the top of each leg it 's vital to remember the inside where it rubs against the chest , which can often matt .
18 When you get to the top of your sleeve , take the stitches off the machine with the garter bar .
19 It 's a short , sharp , you can see it there , you get to the top of it , get up to your roundabout , we hang a right , and the next , it 's a bit of a drag all the way up , you save coming , coming the other way it 's down hill , from just past The Bull , until you get to the , almost to that junction you turn off the top and you 're going up hill , just slowly , but cor , you get up to that , our junction , she drops down , we went straight down through the High Street , and we hung a right in the one way system , turn left , did n't get , quite get to Green Lane , turn left and up we come round the Green Lane , up and in the back way .
20 Okay stop when you get to the map of the United States , please .
21 That if you get to the heart of things you find sadness for ever and ever , everywhere ; but a beautiful silver sadness , like a Christ face .
22 ‘ It 's just before you get to the car with the flashing lights on top , ’ said Dorcas slowly .
23 Notice that when you get to the end of each line , Word starts a new line for you automatically .
24 and then you take your long end and you wind above covering the edge and overlapping and then the low , then covering the edge and overlapping , there and again you keep working your way up and down , a figure of eight until you get to the end of your bandage then tie away from the body in your reef knot , either you tuck your ends in or if that 's awkward you can just put a sticking plaster over the ends to get them out of the way like that , so just tuck the ends in and I do n't think your casualty 's going to need a sling for a little graze like that
25 But when you get to the end of your book and your detective explains why the poor chap had to be murdered with porcupine quills your readers are likely to start trying to imagine what happened when the murder took place .
26 You 're a lot less stressful , you get to the end of your journey a lot fresher .
27 We do have a terrible problem for some reason , when you get to the end of a number , any number block , whether twenty , thirty , forty , and you get there was a big block there .
28 can we just erm clarify that Mr , of course it 's dealing with the previous years accounts , but until you get to the end of the previous year are you going to know whether you 've over or under est estimated on budget ?
29 But if you get to the end of the selected period , there 's always one .
30 I think this is the idea of the poem though actually when you get to the end of the poem this is what it 's about so it 's a good idea
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