Example sentences of "you [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure that you re-edit the file before you make use of the compressed drive .
2 ‘ Doing it recreationally , you lose sight of the divine revelational aspects of it .
3 Employers who supply 10 or more cars to employees for their private use will be able to pay the tax direct to the Contributions Agency as an alternative to the deductions being made on a Pay As You Earn basis by the Inland Revenue .
4 And it was , were you shop steward for the whole factory or just part of the factory ?
5 If you read propaganda from the German Democratic Republic the Berlin Wall is called the ‘ Wall of Peace ’ .
6 And you know Easter after the two weeks , right ?
7 you know survival of the fittest would be really like , you 've got to s you know we 'd be so unpopular .
8 Right , now , the next item is the press and we have a press officer , yeah , like to , perhaps say what 's been happening a little bit and , and you know talk about the next time .
9 When you look at G6PD in female mules and hinnies you find evidence of the two parental sorts of enzyme , but there is an interesting hint that the donkey version is selected against .
10 If you pay tax at the higher rate you will personally obtain further relief of 15% on the gross figure , so making the net cost of the payment to you £600 .
11 If you pay tax at the higher rate , you will have to pay some additional tax and should allow for this in your budgeting , as its deduction is not automatic .
12 ‘ If you feel compassion for the Palestinian women and children , ’ Abu Arz proclaimed , ‘ remember they are communists and will bear new communists . ’
13 If you pronounce judgement on the other person they will just ‘ switch off ’ .
14 No , you polish your armour till it gleams , you sharpen your lance and you mount your white charger , you raise your banner , you bid farewell to the grieving city , where the crowd stands in terror and hope at your preparations and your parting .
15 • is made before you start work under the new contract ; • is in writing ; • specifies the date at the end of the trial period ; and • specifies the terms of employment which will apply as at the end of that period .
16 If you choose slip with the 0 key , then what was black on the design screen will be the slipped stitches .
17 If you choose system from the top menu , that puts you into DOS , but it leaves One Two Three there .
18 I , I , er I used to have an inspector when I was on traffic and he says you take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves .
19 Whether you require help with the entire event or would just like to use one of our discotheques we look forward to speaking to you .
20 You see man from the very beginning , man and woman has been afraid .
21 Mr Smith is begging for help and you are concerned about Amy ; you feel that you have something to offer ( and you have responsibility for the two pre-school children ) .
22 You have knowledge of the eight twelves ? ’ asked the General .
23 I presume you have access to the various briefing papers we have circulated to branches over the last 18 months or so .
24 My purpose here is to show what is available , so that you have access to the widest possible variety of marks when drawing .
25 ( If you have access to the original publication , you might find the explanatory notes on p. 90 of interest . )
26 The next area in which you have control over the final quality is that of the software you choose .
27 Otherwise , you have control over the relative sizes of the top vs. bottom line , and have a number of pre-set shapes that the text can take .
28 Well you can never anticipate any breach of security , I mean that 's why you have security in the first place , in order to prevent things from happening .
29 If you need muscle in the right places , you need the Beltex .
30 Over here it does n't even look as if you need access to the Royal Mint or the Bank of England to forge bank-notes , judging by the warning messages on the colour photocopiers that have stationed themselves inside the printing bureaux .
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