Example sentences of "you [vb base] [adv] [to-vb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 And er when you get up to speak at the conference , you have to give your name and the reason why you 're there .
2 Remember in numerical questions to write in your scripts the steps that you go through to arrive at a solution .
3 I mean I suppose there is in all social work in a sense , that if you go in to look at a family and , and you 're trying to assess you know whether the children should be taken into care , well you 're exercising a a sort of statutory erm er sort of responsibility , and as far as the clients are concerned , er if you , like that can sort of get in the way of er er a more human sort of relationship if you see what I mean , because
4 At the end of the day it is good to be able to think that as you step back to look at the work — especially if you remember to get down from the ladder first .
5 Best probably knows he should have Cusworth on board and you have only to look at the magical ( and almost posthumous ) transformation that Best has wrought in Peter Winterbottom 's handling and passing to see what a course in sevens indoctrination can achieve .
6 You have only to look at the shape and solidness of a barbel to see where he gets his speed and power .
7 If this all sounds a bit old-fashioned and too good to be true , you have only to look at the happy faces of these children who thoroughly enjoy spending their weekends mucking out , cleaning tack and grooming , while waiting their turn to ride .
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