Example sentences of "you [vb base] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As you pick your way through the minefield of the remaining holes , you are gradually working your way uphill , until finally you arrive on the 18th tee .
2 In other words you can stop and start while you are making a recording so that you make your selection on the spot .
3 Let me know if you change your mind over the next week or so . ’
4 An intricate geometric relief pattern gives interest without being overpowering ; and if you change your mind about the colour scheme , it 's easy to just paint over it !
5 you lose your control over the schedule .
6 The way you start is most important because if you lose your audience at the beginning you will find it difficult to win back their attention .
7 Well yo , you borrow your money on the house till your mor , till it comes through .
8 When you wind your way around the picturesque Lincoln Half-marathon course , look out for a little chap dressed in green who 'll be running backwards .
9 Furthermore , the temperature generated in the gearbox is quite alarming , especially when towing a caravan , a fact noted when you place your hand on the gearbox console inside the vehicle .
10 I thought it , no no I mean like you knock your leg on the table or something , you know ?
11 You want his summing-up on the human race , ten years before his death ?
12 You want your health in the summer .
13 You grab your partner by the waist and sort of waddle for a bit , then stamp four times , hard with each foot , on the ground .
14 You attach your receipt to the cash voucher and place them in the cash box .
15 I hope you receive it care of the hotel .
16 whatever the method of application , and there are many ways , in choosing to use texture you show your involvement with the physical progression of the painting .
17 You too can eat with the animals if you hold your reception at the Zoological Gardens in London 's Regents Park .
18 ‘ Sir John , you hold your office from the crown .
19 ‘ And you cut your hand along the way ? ’
20 But you must ask the person , do n't put just somebody 's name down , thinking they might go on the committee , erm , you must ask them first before you put their name on the list .
21 But maybe it would be better , son , if you put your basket on the counter , and then we can watch it slide along to the cash-register . ’
22 So you put your dryer in the garage ?
23 ‘ For God 's sake , ’ said Ellen , ‘ you put your foot on the accelerator not the brake .
24 You rely on speed and on raising an lowering the tappet , so when you put your foot on the decelerator it drops the tappet down and stops the value opening , then you 're on full compression and then you pull up , and that 's your main brake .
25 Ha , so when you put your foot down the meter goes smack !
26 You put your staircase into the dining room .
27 Now you put your shoulder to the wheel , your nose to the grindstone , your best foot forward and your back to the wall to see how many clichés you know and how they are to be interpreted or ignored .
28 ‘ Well , you 'd better make your will out before you come in again , ’ said Dolly , ‘ because I 'm goin' to do you in as soon as you put your face round the door . ’
29 But once you do that , soon as you put your mallet against the hoop , you push the hoop if it 's loose forward anyway
30 No I like the light because like , as soon as as soon as you put your key in the door
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