Example sentences of "you [vb base] [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 oh and I 've made a big rug at the centre , which I shall have home before Christmas , a big woollen rug I 've made , yes so , oh it 's a beautiful rug it 's with those er silver thing you push through the hole on the canvas
2 I said , ‘ You mean , you push to the front of queues … . ’
3 Typical low-voltage lighting sets consist of two or four lights , usually coloured and mounted on spikes that you push into the soil in flowerbeds .
4 ‘ Listen boy , ’ he said , addressing the son and ignoring Matilda , ‘ seeing as you 'll be going into this business with me one day , you 've got to know how to add up the profits you make at the end of each day .
5 For what you make at the end of the day on , on somebody 's
6 The contribution you make to the life of the Church is immense .
7 However , while you have been reading the book , you will have converted at least a thousand calories of ordered energy , in the form of food , into disordered energy , in the form of heat that you lose to the air around you by convection and sweat .
8 ‘ If you mean about the girl in the car , she says there was no girl .
9 thank you so have we got this right beyond measure in the chain , the responsibility in the group of companies , you bring to the attention of your board and ultimately to Mr the fact of your concern about the centre piece
10 That there 's always this if you scratch at the surface of happiness and goodness .
11 If you sit at the back of a lecture hall , you 'll get less out of it than if you sit up front .
12 Fast paced , well acted , beautifully filmed in the famed Blue Ridge Mountains , possibly the last forested wilderness of the United States , this is a movie which insists you sit on the edge of your seat while skulls are cleaved and scalps lifted by the score .
13 You know how it is — you sit on the underground with nothing to read , and you either stare at your fellow passengers or you drift into thinking .
14 At first puzzled , then anxious , then furious with disbelief , you sit in the driveway with the engine running ; you sit there for weeks , months , for years , waiting for the doors to open .
15 I 'd better get out of these togs — I also suggest you sit in the rear of the car before we arrive at Tavey Grange . ’
16 At the end of the exercise have a short period of conversation while you concentrate on the fingertips on your larynx and on feeling the right degree of voice volume , your friend keeping check for you on the right amount of voice volume and indicating if it becomes too loud or too quiet .
17 ‘ I think you want exactly the same things she does , but you hide behind the pillars of your ice palace , pretending to be so unapproachable .
18 Do not think you sleep in the hand of God you sleep in the mouthpiece of a telephone
19 Do not think you sleep in the hand of God you sleep in the mouthpiece of a telephone
20 If you insert three blank rows at the top of the spreadsheet you can use B2 to record the average inflation per year that you expect for the life of the savings plan .
21 Second let us suppose that you are told that for every counter that you place in the jar within thirty seconds you will receive a pound coin .
22 If you knock at the door of the gamekeeper 's house and he comes to the door wearing an antler head-dress , a black satin robe with a pentangle on it , and is holding a headless bleeding chicken in one hand , then even if he gives you permission to camp , think about going to a B & B. Some country folk are best left to their own devices .
23 When you knock at the door at night , you make sure a policeman and not something else .
24 A popular shift for returning district nurses is the twilight shift — assisting patients into or out of bed — although this may not be what you want for the rest of your life .
25 That 's the sort of colour you want for the top of your is n't it ?
26 ‘ It appears that you are willing to sacrifice what you want for the good of others , ’ he said softly .
27 What result you want at the end of the day ?
28 … The consents are geared to produce the quality water you want in the river for the use you want downstream . ’
29 With the current state of play , what you want in the way of networking may not be easy or cheap but it is almost certainly possible .
30 Go to a crack house , Nick , and you can buy anything you want in the way of human flesh .
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