Example sentences of "you [modal v] have [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You may have to organize the access to the garden for the patient .
2 If you want to create a C-shape but all your pressed material curves in the opposite direction you may have to let the flowers and foliage dictate the design .
3 It is generally worth having as much as 150mm of insulation in most homes , although the comparatively shallow depth of most ceiling joists means that you may have to lay the insulation across the tops of the joists to achieve the required thickness .
4 You may have to hold the needles down as you go .
5 If you 're extending the plumbing and drainage to incorporate a second bathroom , you may have to notify the water authority in order to comply with all the water regulations .
6 For instance when the telephone rings — especially if it 's an internal call you know that you may have to give the caller prompt , detailed and sometimes unpopular advice .
7 It may involve you in extra duties and worries at first : for instance , you may have to take the patient to his workplace by car , and collect him again , and the timing may not be convenient for you .
8 As we are trying to keep the whole publication as simple as possible this means that we 'll use Times again but if your page printer is n't a PostScript device you may have to create the title in a graphics package and import it .
9 You may have to unscrew the stove-fiddles to release the Thermos , and you 'll find the milk in the fridge to the right of the stove . ’
10 Accordingly you may have to adapt the day 's menu or recipes to suit yourself .
11 Hardware installation is straightforward , although you may have to reset the comm port jumpers on the IDE controller — COM 2 seems the safest bet for the Teleputer .
12 With the more persistent caller , you may have to ask the Telephone Exchange to monitor all your calls for a while , or you can change your number and go ex-directory .
13 You may have to squeeze the edges of the wound together if the sides are gaping .
14 If a plunger does n't work , you may have to remove the trap or the cleaning eye of the trap .
15 However , there is another system parameter , VIRTUALPAGECNT , which you may also have to increase , so skip to Section 1.6.1 now ( otherwise you may have to reboot the system twice ! )
16 Good relations with creative people are also essential , for you may have to advise the art director that the transparency he has chosen wo n't reproduce too well .
17 You may have to adjust the truss rod and shave or sand the bottom of the saddle slightly to achieve a reasonable action , especially if the guitar has been left in the heat for a period of time .
18 If it is the plaintiff who changes their story then things are even worse because you may have to replead the case .
19 If someone alters them cleverly you may have to pay the amount shown .
20 You may have to tour the client 's factory and see how the product is made .
21 I have two points to make by suggestion : - one is that I think that the final of these related documents should be discretionary I do n't see why you should have to keep the file .
22 Ben now said , ‘ You walk along ; you might have to open the gates
23 You might have to leave the room again .
24 The tiny motherboard is upgradeable but the processor is underneath the disk drive cage , so you might have to remove the motherboard completely to upgrade it .
25 1 After removing an old inset sink , you might have to make the opening larger to fit the new sink
26 You might have to show the inspector the stamp to show that you were wearing the correct trousers — every now and then , you had to bring all your uniform in and all your uniform was an awful lot of uniform .
27 And so , it goes beyond the actual molecular stage if you can have this compound in crystallised form , as you can most though you might have to reduce the temperature or whatever , but then all is gone gone crystalline eventually you 'll find their crystals are also mirror images and what he actually did , he painstakingly picked out crystals which were of one particular shape as opposed to the other , he actually separated all the crystals physically by using tweezers and then found that they ha , you know , the two had a different affect on plane polarised light .
28 Every so often you 'll have to shoot the creature to stun it again .
29 Rosa reached out to grab him , but he danced away , ‘ You 'll have to join the sisters , they 've got moustaches too … . ’
30 You 'll have to join the queue . ’
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