Example sentences of "you [modal v] [verb] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Under this scheme you may donate up to a maximum of £240 a year to a charity or charities of your choice free of income tax .
2 Each district to be balloted to produce its squad for the six thousand , and if the ballot brings up your name , ’ he paused again and saw the hundreds of eyes fixed on his , ‘ then you must go off to the Army , or else pay £10 to hire a substitute .
3 You must hold on to the hurt .
4 You must come back to the house — calamine lotion is the thing , I believe .
5 Breasal will show you where to go , and then you must come back to the hall .
6 In February , you must trim back to a fat bud .
7 Either way , the problem you describe , combined with the fact that this is your first dog , makes me think you should go back to the RSPCA and ask them to put you in touch with the most suitable , local training club .
8 You should go back to the crossroads , ’ Sharpe told Harper .
9 Again , you should log in to the VAX as the LIFESPAN Manager , and type :
10 However , you should point out to the parents any overlap between problems .
11 And this is er the sort of thing that er you 'll hand over to the the medical practice to er at least remind them what you 're doing there .
12 Then you 'll come back to the farm and have your supper . ’
13 Ask for it with a kick and you 'll fly down to the beach . ’
14 You 'd travel down to the game on a Saturday , and if you met a Leeds fan at the train station , you could be sure that they were the best mate he 'd ever had , and they 'd tell you all the latest gossip that he 'd told them the last time they were out for a few pints .
15 Because you 'd sort of , they , they 'd go up and then if , if you went any farther you 'd go on to the doctors ' lectures you see .
16 You 'd go through to the back place and as soon as the licensee saw you , there 's two pints .
17 Er we was on the beach , you know sea front , he 'd er gathered some er brands of seaweed for making what they call Irish moss , Caragium And that would give you a good think emulsion , you see then in the , what was the cod season , cod fishing , you 'd go down to the harbour where the er fishing boat came in and where they were cleaning , and you 'd get the boss would have arranged that you get the cod 's livers .
18 You had to eat yourself , of course , so there was a s You 'd run up to the hotel in called the Hotel and opposite was a family butcher and he used to sell dripping and bread .
19 For fuck 's sake Dawn you 'd come back to a fucking siege .
20 ‘ I 've been hoping you 'd come down to the beach these last three days , ’ he went on .
21 to there hiatus , hiatus hernia , ooh terrible you 're stitched all inside ooh it 's like you could sit down to a beautiful tea tonight and enjoy it and then you could sit down to your breakfast in morning , one bite and that was you finished
22 I would therefore be grateful if you could refer back to the letter I wrote and respond as best you can .
23 thing you could pass on to the police and they could take it up with the local council .
24 You could go out to the walkways , you could talk to somebody twenty four hours a day .
25 If you got it you could go in to the higher , if you did n't want to go into the higher you leave at er thirteen , you went into the supplementary .
26 Do you wish you could go back to the good old days ?
27 This is the finest war memorial you could set up to the men who gave their lives , their limbs , or their health , and those who lost their dear ones in the country 's cause .
28 Anybody else who 's coming up between twenty nine and thirty four , if you could come down to the rostrum colleagues .
29 You could ride up to the vista points and look along 12. watch the sun light up the pollution .
30 and there was a hole er on the floor over there with a grating on it that was you could see through to the ground .
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