Example sentences of "you [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] like [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , in order for the abdominals to grow you must treat them like any other muscle group , and work them hard for 8 to 12 reps using 3 to 4 sets .
2 I look like shit because my mind is on higher things , because I 'm so busy I do n't have time to wash my hair , because if you really love me you 'll love me like this as well .
3 You you for one , like her , when you went to the caravan , you 'd smell it like that .
4 ‘ Honestly , ’ Charles was saying , after more than an hour of beleaguered explanation , or semi-explanation , ‘ I did n't think you 'd take it like this , old thing , I thought you 'd — well , I thought you 'd be relieved , to tell you the truth .
5 You could draw it like that you could say that this is the the war which cuts in this time of year line shifts up ,
6 So that you could do it like that .
7 So you could try it like this if we had twenty four we could see what happens if you make them into twos ?
8 After this somewhat less than well-chosen remark a momentary glassiness affected Fräulein Müller 's ready smile , but she was quick to recover her poise and said simply , ‘ You could put it like that , I suppose . ’
9 You could put it like that , I suppose .
10 You could put it like that . ’
11 You shall paint me like this if it would please you , Barney dear , ’ she whispered aloud .
12 So I knew you would eat it like that in an omelette .
13 How you hold the mallet is really up to you , eh there are many different ways , you can hold it like that , you can hold it down there , up there
14 Panama shoots her a quizzical glance , moves round to a position directly behind Archie 's plunging rear and , saying , ‘ You can do it like this an ’ all , dear , ’ delivers her chunky brogue with astonishing force into Archie 's tight scrotum .
15 ’ I do n't know how you can watch it like that .
16 That means you can treat me like this .
17 And you can have it like that if you want .
18 If you can put it like that .
19 Right you can cancel it like this you multi can you multiply fractions ?
20 You got , and you can write it like that when you write it down , a hundred and ten grams divided by twenty eight P equals whatever the number is grams per penny .
21 Do that , do that on sixty five divide by one hundred and eighty , multiply by the pi on your calculator , just one second Robin , yeah , it 's usually , it 's just theatrical , you should get , yeah , so you get the same answer , so you can either work it on ratings or you can write it like that , you could 've actually left it like that , if you come to the third by , you put thirteen over what is it ? eh
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