Example sentences of "you [be] [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What 've you been doing in the last five months that 's put on the weight ?
2 A hundred and twenty percent you are multiplying by the decimal equivalent which is one point two .
3 The closest analogy I can think of is that it is very much like fishing , you never know what you are going to catch , you have to pull in the small ones when you are hoping for the big one , but occasionally a big one comes along when you least expect it .
4 Establishing rapport is the process of getting on the right wavelength with someone — usually , but not inevitably , with someone you are meeting for the first time .
5 To take an imaginary example : suppose you are wandering round the old town of a Mediterranean resort .
6 If we assume that you are writing on the right-hand page of an examination book or on loose examination sheets , bound at the top left-hand corner , then the identifying number of the question should be large so that it is easily seen and should be at the top right-hand corner .
7 However tough things seem , it 's vital that you should keep your spirits up , and remember that acting is an art and a thrilling one — though sometimes when you are struggling with the frustrating process of building a career , this can all get a bit obscured .
8 Tint the undercoat with whatever you are using for the final colour and you will get a good , even finish .
9 I do hope that you are having an enjoyable summer break from your classes , and that you are benefiting from the glorious weather we are having this year .
10 Or at least make sure you are listening to the right station .
11 Please check you are looking at the correct part of the table for the day you wish to travel .
12 Whenever you find an A.sessilis or A. reineckii you are looking at the same plant : A. rosaefolia .
13 From here you are looking into the rear windows of Whitehall .
14 This is a unique feeling as instead of your arms pulling on the boom , you are looking from the other side of the sail and pushing .
15 A longer holiday period away from each other is also valuable if you are looking after the patient full-time .
16 Pete says there 's great freedom in the air … you can float to wherever you want to … the sensation is great especially when you are flying on the last wind of the day
17 I had already loosened the overcoat and was thinking as I looked at him , This very minute you are going on the longest journey a man ever takes and you have n't a frigging clue .
18 It is quite obvious that if all of you are going for the same niche in the marketplace , as is happening increasingly at present , then it will be a highly competitive situation where you will have to rely even more than usual on the superiority of your own skills or technology to bring you through .
19 ‘ Should you see a lady that you know , carrying a basket , and you are going in the same direction , offer to carry it for her . ’
20 But you can spare very much trouble because there are times when you can say to someone , ‘ At this point , you are going in the wrong direction . ’
21 And remember that you are walking for the psychological benefits as well as the fitness and slimness benefits .
22 all you are contributing to the political debate in this country at the present moment is a quarrel about the trade union block vote in the affairs of the Labour Party .
23 If you are dieting in the long term , you may need to take multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement ( e.g. Diet Balance ) — if you need to be on a weight-loss programme for more than 10 weeks , or if you have to rely on prepared reduced-calorie meals , and especially if you have any of the signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency .
24 The sharp dualism that is proposed whereby acquisition and learning are two quite distinct processes would seem to force the conclusion that if you think carefully , choose your words , take your time before making your conversational contribution you can not communicate , or at any rate not very effectively , because you are interfering with the natural function of the acquired system .
25 Can I come back Mr Donson , or will that , and I take it , alright , I understand the point you are making about the long term solution and size , but if the panel were to be persuaded that to be a viable solution the settlement had , in the end , and I 'm not going to define where the end is , almost certainly beyond two thousand and six , that the settlement would need to be of the order of five thousand dwellings .
26 First decide whether you wish to make a portrait or landscape design , and check that the card will stand up properly if you are opting for the latter shape .
27 This is because you are working on the main background colour .
28 When all the guttering is in place you can start on the downpipes These are generally fixed from the ground working upwards , but you must make sure that you are working to the right line if ( as is common ) the guttering is offset from the wall .
29 ‘ I will give you a minute , no more , to tell me if you are working for the British Government or another .
30 This is obviously correct if you are working from the actual body measurements , but it is of no use when you want to enter measurements taken from a diagram where only an armhole depth measurement is given .
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