Example sentences of "you [be] [adj] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact has it been a very difficult year for you or have you been able to have some control , because it 's all down to the watering I guess
2 If you are under sixteen you are obliged to receive some kind of education until you reach this age .
3 If you are keen to do some racing at a local club , the best thing to do is check out which classes have strong fleets in your area .
4 Are you still finding yourself in a condition where the model is sitting quite happily in the hover some distance away , but you are reluctant to apply some control input for fear of doing the wrong thing ?
5 September , when the landscape is still green , can be very nice if you are prepared to risk some rain .
6 If a long time is spent teaching pupils how to present work and arguments neatly , insisting on underlined headings , dates , and sharp pencils , there are going to be problems convincing them that rough work is valuable and that you are prepared to spend some time looking at it .
7 These commands will do the job but , if you are willing to spend some money , there are programs available which will make the whole process much easier , even automating back-ups so that your data is kept fully secure at all times .
8 ‘ I need to feel that you are willing to make some effort . ’
9 Of course , you are likely to get some people who say that they thought of it first .
10 You 're desperate to see some progress and push a plan to success , so today 's delays will be all the more infuriating .
11 Yeah erm so er yeah right that 's er because I mean what 's nice to see in these things is if you 're able to tell some sort of coherent little story from er y'know kind of these er people 's ideas , themes , speculations , evidence from previous studies and all that kind of thing and this is this is the data that we 've got that tells us something about those and says how misconceived they all are or how it may confirm them or whatever and then y'know a couple of bits sort of so it 's like a nice narrative but sort of fairly y'know sort of continuous argument going through which is nice to see and so er yeah .
12 Erm will you be able to take some money ?
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