Example sentences of "you [be] [verb] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 If you are turned down for a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given , there is no right of appeal to an independent tribunal as there used to be .
2 You may have to carry a spare set if you are going out for a full day 's detecting as charge life can be as low as five hours , and ni-cads should not be recharged until they are spent .
3 They have the highest income-tax and VAT rates , the harshest drinking laws , the dreariest bars , the dullest restaurants and television that makes you feel as if you are warming up for a coma .
4 You 're holding out for a wedding-ring , ’ he said flatly .
5 You 're stood up for a number of offenses , the first of which is that on the twenty first of June nineteen eighty eight you , on the public road way in Accrington Road Worley used the mechanics of the vehicle when there was an excise licence in force , it 's an offence of the vehicles excise act in nineteen seventy one .
6 I er I think erm it 's silly not to have it er when you 're going in for a new set .
7 They may be absolutely fine , and if you 're going there for a number of years , you 've probably got no er problem with them , but of course the smaller the organization the simpler is , it is for other erm factors to creep in .
8 Well , I think perhaps what we 'll do cos you 've missed quite a few of these out so I think what we 'll do erm is to leave that what you 're doing there for a moment we 'll go through this mark this and the one 's you have n't done we 'll do so that you 've got this one straight .
9 Movement , scent and sound can give you away when you 're heading in for a close up shot .
10 ‘ Will you be staying around for a while , or going straight back to bonny Scotland ? ’
11 Yeah , I thought you were saving up for a new game for your Sega system ?
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