Example sentences of "you [verb] [prep] the [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Do you stay with the horses all the while u in the flight ?
2 Do you stay with the horse all the while ?
3 You will know what you made before the Christmas Fair .
4 There was a great wheel driven by a leather belt and this powered the drill , and as you lay in the chair two things dominated the outlook ; the wheel whirring by your ear and Hector 's huge knee pistoning almost into your face as he pedalled furiously .
5 ‘ What did you think of the play last night ? ’ ,
6 ‘ What do you think of the Renault 5 ? ’ the hack asked him .
7 ‘ Could n't you just leave the whisky , I 'll drink it all , wake up in the morning no , make that the afternoon — with a head that feels like you hit me over the skull with the bottle , and you sleep in the car ready for that long and demanding journey down the notoriously dangerous A74 tomorrow ? ’
8 I think that privacy and a sense of owning your own body and knowing its boundaries is quite a difficult thing for girls to achieve in a world in which female bodies are plastered on every billboard , and when you walk down the street those boundaries can so easily be invaded by men commenting on the size of your breasts or on what you are wearing .
9 you walk round the room this side and it 's all level , it 's when you get up the top
10 During the curious lull that followed , in which nobody seemed to get on or off , Miss Labrooy leaned forward in her seat and said : ‘ Do you know why I decided to help you when you came to the surgery last week , Mr Barnett ?
11 His book undoubtedly fills a need ; it may , besides , make you wonder whether we have most of us come all that far since the days of Babbage , the true father of the computer , who recorded in his memoirs that he often used to be asked by the mandarins of the English establishment , when they came to view his difference engine : ‘ Pray , Mr Babbage , if you put into the machine wrong figures , will the right answers come out ? ’
12 You listen to the radio 5 ‘ reports ’ and get a bit encouraged that Leeds played well enough , just did nt get a break in front of goal .
13 You 've got one are you looking at the Christmas fair ?
14 Could you look at The Anniversary this is all in the Craig edition , okay ?
15 Are you going to the hospital this morning ?
16 When you look at the moon half of it will be in light half of it will be in dark you will see a moon which looks like half a moon .
17 And you 'll see from that that er and I accept that er the outer route , the relief is approximately half to the A fifty nine at If you look at the A fifty nine , Knaresborough Road , Harrogate , er there is a relief of five thousand vehicles for the er outer blue route as opposed to nine thousand five hundred er for the inner northern routes .
18 Erm if you look at the A six five eight , then er seventy five percent of that traffic is heading into Harrogate and Knaresborough .
19 Cos presumably , when you look at the layout most of the signs are keep left signs .
20 And if you look at the table one .
21 It all makes much more sense if you look at the ratings that way .
22 I mean , if you look in the budget this year , one parent benefit was frozen , the additional personal allowance that 's paid for one parents for taxation was also frozen , and the government does not like paying any benefits to one parent families because horror of horrors !
23 But the the the corner , as as as you travel along the A Nineteen , the the corner , the the northwestern corner of of D forty
24 ( ii ) What do you understand by the terms real gas and critical temperature ?
25 You read in the papers all the time about girls being raped and murdered , and you do n't want it to happen to you , so you try to cut down the odds .
26 ‘ My God , ’ said Dyson , ‘ the lunatics you meet on the roads these days !
27 Tell me what you remember about the Palfry Working Men 's Club , your sort of earliest memories of it
28 Tell you what it could be , ah hang on a minute , I ordered an extension for a bloody for a phone for that office , it could be the phone that 's doing it in that office there I know , I know it could be corrupting , you know on the mark one the big one , the old generation mark one
29 Oh there are no , you know with the gaff this time , a lot of work like during the week and that and we 've tightened up quite a bit and tried to you know , get ourselves organised .
30 Yes , he 's alright , well I do n't suppose he 's alright , but he 's , he 's staggering on you know in the way that
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