Example sentences of "you [verb] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , so instead of , so if er , say if the price of erm , yes , say , meat went up , erm , so the price of beef , beef went up , you may want to increase the size of your beef herd , how do you increase the price of your beef herd , well you , you do n't sell as , as many cows to the slaughterhouse as you might otherwise would , you know , would do , because you want to increase your herd for , for later years .
2 I know you want to wash your hair for tomorrow . ’
3 If you want to defer your retirement for up to five years , you receive increments ( increases ) on the pension .
4 Under the special cover we have arranged for you with the Norwich Union , all Insured Persons of any age are covered , and the Policy will cover you should you have to cancel your holiday for certain reasons .
5 I mean if one of them steps under a bus and you start valuing his estate for probate , Ullo , ullo , ullo , how much is a case of Russian grenades worth ? ’
6 If you remember your past too well you start blaming your present for it .
7 Do n't tell me you 've lost your taste for nightclubs and fancy restaurants . ’
8 A programme does not have to be conventionally ‘ nine to five , structured but participants are more likely to accommodate themselves to unusual arrangements if you 've given them time for themselves .
9 You 've done your bit for poetry .
10 Ha Well done dear , you 've done your bit for humanity today .
11 You 've done your bit for the universities .
12 ‘ Yes , ’ he said in quite a different , hard voice , ‘ you 've noticed my love for Miss Ingram , have n't you ?
13 You say you 've loved your wife for twenty-six years .
14 You 've had your theatre for the day . ’
15 ‘ You look as if you 've had your lot for today , mister . ’
16 You 've proved your love for me .
17 Erm I brought in the old flurry tape , I 've I 've taped I taped our when you 've read my play for me , I erm I taped it and I made a copy for Dave I you know , erm Cybil makes a good effort in that so eventually I 'll lend you the tape .
18 Only three people were allowed to make a phone call each week , which meant sometimes you had to wait your turn for weeks .
19 You have to give him credit for his choice of weapons , especially the Desert Eagle , ’ Sabrina said .
20 Of course , if for any reason you have to leave your garden for several months , the best thing you can do is to sow a suitable green manure .
21 Between you both you have changed my mind for me .
22 If you have owned your property for a number of years , it will probably be worth more than you paid for it .
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