Example sentences of "that there have been an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was clear that there had been an implicit agreement to hold back output until a higher price was fixed .
2 News reports in December indicating that there had been an attempted coup were subsequently dismissed by Jawara as groundless rumours .
3 The Agence France-Presse ( AFP ) news agency reported from Kinshasa on Jan. 7 that there had been an abortive coup attempt the previous month , as a result of which a number of high-ranking officers were said to have been imprisoned .
4 He said that there had been an unprecedented 37 per cent rise in the number of recently arrived Soviet Jews who applied for unemployment benefit in March , as increasing numbers ended their initial period of direct state support .
5 This feature of the company together with the increasing substitution of the organization of economic activity within the company rather than through the markets suggested that there had been an enormous growth in the power of corporate management .
6 Rhodes considered that there had been an improved performance in services which were the sole responsibility of either the GLC or the boroughs : but of those services which were shared ‘ only the group of transportation functions seems to show any marked advantages ; over both housing and planning there hang certain question marks ’ ( Rhodes 1972:468 ) .
7 Swan agrees that there has been an embarrassing decline in portraiture , which he ascribes partly to its labour-intensiveness : ‘ Someone like Millais was earning the equivalent of two to three million a year .
8 As the changeover from traditional courses gathers pace , it is interesting to note that there has been an overall increase in the uptake of advanced level awards .
9 On the political left a journal like Marxism Today claims that there has been an underlying and probably permanent shift to anti-socialist values .
10 Writers in this tradition emphasize that there has been an historical change in the cultural and social meaning of the term ‘ family ’ over time , so that it has come to mean essentially the unit based on marriage and parenthood , with a secondary role only accorded to other kin relationships .
11 My hon. Friend is right to say that there has been an enormous improvement .
12 Is the Minister further aware that there has been an enormous erosion of confidence in the reliability and roadworthiness of buses since deregulation , especially in south Wales during a period in which monopolies have been created as stronger firms capture weaker ones and cowboy fleets undercut the operations of firms that are much more conscientious and safety conscious ?
13 While there is still some debate about whether or not anorexia nervosa has become more prevalent , there can be no doubt that there has been an enormous increase in research interest into this subject .
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