Example sentences of "that have [been] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Records can be retrieved directly from files that have been organized in many ways .
2 Instead , some examples will be given of the type of claims that have been made in the courts of the United Kingdom , Australia , and the United States , and of the responses that have been favoured by these domestic courts .
3 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
4 Then at last he said : ‘ Gentlemen — and ladies , pardon me — I have given much thought to these matters and I wish to say here in confidence to you , that while there remains between myself and many of those present differences of interpretation as to what is really occurring in Europe at this moment , despite this , as to the main points that have been raised in this house , I am convinced , gentlemen , convinced both of their justice and their practicality . ’
5 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
6 That regeneration project is a flea on a dog 's back into the jobs that have been lost in that area at the moment .
7 The qualifications that are being introduced , and the credit values that have been assigned to each qualification are as follows :
8 I should be pointed out of the student questionnaire to the that the questionnaire was directed only to women , so the figures that have been extracted from that relate to women and in that way give a partial picture of the whole .
9 The matters that have been highlighted in this report are as relevant now as those which necessitated the formings of the nineteen seventy eight and nineteen ninety congress resolutions .
10 The ideas that have been developed for this region can be applied to most turbulent flows adjacent to a wall : for example , to turbulent channel and pipe flow ( although not , for example , to a boundary layer close to separation ) .
11 The Darwinians were also impressed with the discovery by Henry Walter Bates ( 1825–92 ) of a new kind of mimicry in South American insects , where an edible species copies the warning colours that have been developed by another species that is distasteful to birds .
12 This reflects the so-called doctrine of double effect which was incorporated into English law in one of the few cases that have been decided in this area , R v.
13 These cover a large range of things , like the patient 's age , the patient 's sex , where the pain is , where it started , how quickly it came on , and so on and so forth , and essentially within the computer has a large table , and this table contains , how shall I put it , the frequency with which this particular symptom was associated with a particular disease over the last few hundred patients that have been seen at that hospital .
14 It is , however , possible that the experimental data would not be thought conclusive either ; most of the experiments that have been done of this type have been rather artificial ( Marsh 1985a ) .
15 ‘ We will go into the intimate details of the injuries that have been suffered by this poor child , which will not be apparent to anyone outside of the investigating team , ’ he said .
16 The different sorts of interpretation of teaching quality this sort of framework suggests can be illustrated by looking at explanations for the development and persistence of transmission teaching that have been presented within that framework .
17 And I 'd like to erm try and get you all to see what you can tell by simply observing the building , and I 'd like to concentrate if we may on the central part of the building , because there are a number of changes that have been made to that building erm which tell a story .
18 most of the changes that have been made to those houses have been er erm at the request of Newton Sherwood District Council , they the the they lifted the room pitch , we had a lower one , they wanted a higher one , erm , and you know , erm , all all basically erm the the although they counted it as a change since application
19 The many criticisms that have been made of this body of work will be recognised , but again we will be arguing that it has much to teach us , especially as regards incorporating an understanding of instinctive behaviour into an understanding of social relations and moral careers .
20 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
21 I hope that the Home Secretary will consider all the suggestions that have been made in this sensible debate .
22 That is indeed part of their strategy but the fact of the matter is that the county council is wholly implicated in the efforts that have been made in this erm county over the last couple of years to get large scale inward investment .
23 But this image of autonomy and of the self can be threatening , too , to women who do have a strong allegiance to feminism ; and the threat intersects with assumptions that have been made in some feminist discourse about who is or is not ‘ really ’ a feminist .
24 I happen to believe that the fears that have been voiced on that account are exaggerated .
25 Ah 'm worn to a frazzle fighting off the toffs that have been swarming round this door since she was nine and three quarters .
26 In other words , although they suppress the aberrant antibody , they suppress other antibody production too and also the production of blood cells , yet they seem to have a greater effect on the abnormal antibody than they do on normal ones and in quite large numbers of patients that have been treated in this way the side effects are really relatively slight .
27 I am aware of concerns that have been expressed about this aspect of the law .
28 That is a good response by the Brazilian Government to the concerns that have been expressed on both sides of the House .
29 I intend to reinforce and highlight some of the recommendations that have been mentioned in many thoughtful contributions this afternoon and I will pose a series of questions to the Minister , whom I welcome to her first estimates debate .
30 The county council would appear to be somewhere in the middle , based on the range of views that have been submitted to this E I P .
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