Example sentences of "that had [vb pp] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had needed to wind down after the spiralling tensions of the day , and once again he felt the company warmth and support that had sustained him through the day .
2 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
3 Manuel had quietly melted away , perhaps to leave the stage clear for Andy , perhaps to grieve alone at the cruel injustice that had robbed him of the top prize .
4 When they ignore the whole idea of pandering to a European market , they can be quite good , as in Tarkovsky 's Italian-funded productions , where he just carried on making the same film that had obsessed him for the past 30 years , only a bit more slowly .
5 In his twelve years in Paris Modigliani had painted portraits almost exclusively and had lost the ‘ habit of contemplating landscape ’ that had fired him as a boy .
6 Again his mind was clouded by the heresy that had struck him after the first night in Taunton .
7 The police car that had followed him to the Windorah was still parked across the road .
8 It had been Intelligence 's own Self Inflicted Wound that had lifted him from the status of a policeman to that of a ranking diplomat .
9 He had served twenty-four years in the US House of Representatives , including nine as Minority Leader of the Republicans , and it was Ford 's popularity on both sides of the aisle that had brought him to the presidency .
10 ‘ Survival of the — ’ Jamie drew his breath in sharply and pulled the stick so hard he almost fell off his stool , but he managed to dodge the darting yellow bolts that had driven him into the corner of the screen' — nastiest . ’
11 The same sight would confront him that had confronted him for the past fifteen years .
12 And then he knew what it was that had tapped him on the shoulder .
13 Holly coming back to the bench after an hour 's walk that had taken him to the ski jump where the young people gathered to watch the first of the winter 's athletes propel themselves into the dizzy air flows .
14 Dexter guessed she was starting to share the same nagging sense of depression that had afflicted him since the end of the interview with Parkin .
15 The splash of the water against the wheel and the splatter of it across the windscreen recalled to Harry 's mind the sound of falling water that had drawn him in a dream up the stairs of the Villa ton Navarkhon : a dream of statues made flesh , of messages concealed in images , of meetings both expected and located , amounting to what all logic suggests they can not be : rendezvous to which one has already unconsciously agreed .
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