Example sentences of "that had [vb pp] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He had needed to wind down after the spiralling tensions of the day , and once again he felt the company warmth and support that had sustained him through the day .
2 During the six years that followed his restoration , Louis put together again the coalition of ecclesiastical and secular support that had sustained him in the 820s .
3 Manuel had quietly melted away , perhaps to leave the stage clear for Andy , perhaps to grieve alone at the cruel injustice that had robbed him of the top prize .
4 She was grotesquely dressed in what I took to be nothing more than the two sheets that had covered her on the bench , clumsily knotted about her vast frame ; perhaps because of that , there was something poignant in those androgynous movements parodying grace .
5 It was quite ruined thanks to the filthy water that had covered it during the flood .
6 On the contrary , the miners ' wives seemed desperate to keep the spirit that had seen them through the long months , the solidarity and friendship and , above all , the feeling that together they could do something to change the world and make it a better place , not only for themselves , but for all those suffering injustice .
7 That afternoon , various incidents that had puzzled me at the time , became clear to me .
8 Double world light-middleweight champion , Diane Bell , showed no sign of the back injury that had sidelined her for the past month .
9 My faithful driver , Murphy , met me at the gate , taking my bags and walking me past the vagrants and money changers to his car , an old American model that had become something of a collector 's item .
10 It was just this power and seriousness that had fascinated her in the first place .
11 When they ignore the whole idea of pandering to a European market , they can be quite good , as in Tarkovsky 's Italian-funded productions , where he just carried on making the same film that had obsessed him for the past 30 years , only a bit more slowly .
12 In his twelve years in Paris Modigliani had painted portraits almost exclusively and had lost the ‘ habit of contemplating landscape ’ that had fired him as a boy .
13 Again his mind was clouded by the heresy that had struck him after the first night in Taunton .
14 The police car that had followed him to the Windorah was still parked across the road .
15 Mary was certain that it was the same estate-car that had swept her into the ditch .
16 Running back down the avenue , daffodil leaves yellowing on its verges , young beech leaves playing with the light overhead , Nicandra felt purged of the morning 's unfortunate happenings : of all of them except the thrust of horror that had pierced her before the death of a lamb .
17 It had been Intelligence 's own Self Inflicted Wound that had lifted him from the status of a policeman to that of a ranking diplomat .
18 He had served twenty-four years in the US House of Representatives , including nine as Minority Leader of the Republicans , and it was Ford 's popularity on both sides of the aisle that had brought him to the presidency .
19 It was her deep sorrow and unhappiness at the tragic accident that had brought them to the United States , together with all the fraught , highly charged tension of having to be in Ross 's company for any length of time , which had taken its toll of her already precariously weak reserves of strength .
20 It was pretty much like the cab of the truck that had brought them from the Store .
21 Would Eve be furious if Mother Francis heard the whole story of the lies , the unhappiness and the circumstances that had brought her to the other side of the city and now into a hospital bed ?
22 The following unusual use of to provides further confirmation of this : ( 25 ) She waited , Kate Croy , for her father to come in , but he kept her unconscionably , and there were moments at which she showed herself , in the glass over the mantel , a face positively pale with the irritation that had brought her to the point of going away without sight of him .
23 He explained about the legend and the Monument and the meteorite that had brought it in the first place .
24 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
25 ‘ Survival of the — ’ Jamie drew his breath in sharply and pulled the stick so hard he almost fell off his stool , but he managed to dodge the darting yellow bolts that had driven him into the corner of the screen' — nastiest . ’
26 The same sight would confront him that had confronted him for the past fifteen years .
27 They were the same officers that had arrested me for the charge I was on .
28 At once , he could see that it was the same monstrous nightmare that had attacked them in the basement .
29 She had no intention of dancing another record with him ; Callum 's hands were far too slippery — in fact she was beginning to regret having anything to do with him at all ; the pleasant , confident smile that had greeted her at the beginning of the evening had now turned into a quite definite leer .
30 And then he knew what it was that had tapped him on the shoulder .
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