Example sentences of "that she have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Vron confirmed that she had been good at art as a schoolgirl , often praised by her art master .
2 Vron confirmed that she had been good at art as a schoolgirl , often praised by her art master .
3 Rourke had made no move to contact her after she had left the office yesterday morning , and that had to mean that she had been right in her assumptions .
4 The heavy lunch and the wine had made her sleepy , and she took to her bed the minute they returned , only awakening when the hunger pangs assaulted her stomach , to see that she had been asleep for over three hours .
5 It was in this way that my friend confided in me when she dreamed , with great clarity , that she had been present at her own funeral gathering .
6 Davies added that she had been present at a phone conversation in December when Doyle had assured one of the players that all $300,000 of the prizemoney was ‘ in the bank . ’
7 Nurse Valerie Roper said she had spoken to Allitt after the first two or three arrests at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital and mentioned that she had been present on each occasion .
8 He had found a niche at once with the men , but she told Julia that she had been unhappy for months , struggling with the other women to force local villagers to disgorge food , humping it back up to the camp and preparing it under extraordinarily difficult conditions .
9 Congratulations to Sharon Doolan , Reprographics Unit , who learned recently that she had been successful in gaining two further Scotvec modules in photography .
10 All she knew was that she had been miserable for the rest of the night , and only a teasing conversation with him the next afternoon , when he was dressed very casually in blue jeans and a white T-shirt , had cheered her up again .
11 ‘ And the allegation that she had been disloyal to anyone was very firmly refuted . ’
12 She admitted that she had been thrilled at the idea of being alone with him , but all he was going to do was be stiffly silent .
13 ‘ We 'll need wood for a fire , ’ returned Isabel with aplomb , not about to admit that she had been worried about him .
14 The struggle to understand everything showed clearly on her face , and slowly , surely , she found a ray of hope in the mess , something to compensate for the painful discovery that she 'd been ignorant of her own roots .
15 To tell him the truth — that she 'd been afraid of the depth of her own feelings — would be far too revealing .
16 He went on a while about the various tests but where he came out was that she 'd been dead for at least five days , and seven was perfectly possible .
17 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
18 It is a great merit in Mrs Taylor that she has been content to be guided by her moral taste , which is very fine and true , without trying to form a set of principles upon it .
19 Damaris discovers that she has been guilty of intellectual sin in failing to believe , to realize imaginatively , the nature of the material she is studying .
20 Such remarks , along with the usual party-political imperatives , mean that she has been subject to reflex ridicule for being out of step .
21 Although the poem is conventional in several respects , it ends critically , not with the shepherdess cheered up by a song or by the sight of another attractive shepherd , but with Daphne recognizing that she has been gullible about her young man .
22 She gathers that she has been lucky on her journey to avoid the widespread banditry , carried out more often than not by deserters from the army .
23 She 's absolutely livid that she 's been freezing for no reason at all .
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