Example sentences of "that they are [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The major institutions of society are justified by the belief that they are meeting the functional prerequisites of the social system .
2 Although many local authorities in their strategy documents state that they aim first at rehabilitation , I remain unconvinced that they are devoting the same resources in terms of skilled social workers with small caseloads and adequate financial support to natural families , as they do to finding and supporting new families .
3 On the other hand , after seeing what he was doing with his electrified guitar , it is entirely possible that Mr Rossi 's aficionados are of the opinion that they are getting the best of both worlds .
4 All building society investors and financial advisers are strongly urged to check that they are getting the best rates available .
5 Certainly some of the productions that we are responsible for , as I have said , are controversial , and some of the public might not really want them and might dispute their validity , but I think what it is an indication of is the fact that people are short of money and have to make quite sure that they are getting the best value for what they are paying for and they ca n't afford to go to the theatre as regularly as they might have done in the past .
6 This way , they may reason , they can get to the heart of the supplier 's promotional and sales pitch , and reassure themselves that they are getting the right deal .
7 It is therefore vital that they are given the right sort of care , so they can grow up to be well developed and strong physically , mentally alert , contented and emotionally stable .
8 The fact that nationalized industries make losses is not sufficient to prove that they are not minimizing costs or that they are producing the wrong output from society 's view-point .
9 He says : ‘ In the current recession , which is biting further and further into the North-East , small businesses feel that they are carrying the main thrust of the banking community 's claw back of their lending . ’
10 Remember that your colleagues need your reassurance too , to confirm that they are doing the right thing .
11 Speaking at the presentation , Sir George said : ‘ Councils have to show that they are doing the best they can with the money and other resources which they can use . ’
12 Around one fifth of those replying to one question said that they are offering the general SVQs in partnership with another organisation , while one third are seeking partnership for the Skillstart awards .
13 There is a tendency of protagonists of the computational theory of mind to boast that they are restoring the Aristotelian emphasis on cognition and thought , and unseating Descartes ' modernist emphasis on consciousness .
14 The struggling , the fear , the knowledge that they are committing the worst violation a woman can experience .
15 They fail to appreciate that all elderly people are constantly aware that they are approaching the last great event in their lives : their own death .
16 that they are paying the Personal Poll Tax
17 If he can look that prospect squarely in the eye and both parties cut out the cheap jibes , they will see that they are talking the same language .
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