Example sentences of "that they should [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The design target for these materials is that they should mimic the traebecular ( interconnected strand ) structure of natural bone which is very similar to that of a sponge .
2 This means that they should offer the going rate for the job , acceptable working conditions , quality training and real career development opportunities .
3 IN 1916 when evening classes began in Russian it was intended that they should serve the commercial interests of the people of Nottingham .
4 It sees companies as purely private organisations , existing for whatever purposes their members intend ; there is no assumption that they should serve the public good , though the approach recognises that their operations are , in fact , highly beneficial to society .
5 I do hope Mr Chairman that those members who oppose fox hunting will feel that they should do the same .
6 And finally Mr chairman on this point , we did in fact do some checking to see the sense of using what the county planning committee had recommended to the H er Highways and Transport Committee that they should regard the six five eight , A five nine one as the correct link to the A one .
7 They distinguished between a child who has special educational needs , and a child who has special educational needs which are such that the LEA may be of the opinion that they should determine the special educational provision that should be made for him — in the words of Nicholls LJ , ‘ not special needs simpliciter , but special needs that satisfy a further condition ’ .
8 I 've already answered the underlying question , I do believe that they should have the maximum discretion and then they should be answerable for their decisions to their local electors who want a good police service and want a good education service and there is money there for them to do it if that is their wish .
9 That they should have the same number of seconds but be taxed for using them .
10 WITH regard to the ambulance dispute , the Minister frequently says that they should accept the 6 ½ per cent , which has been accepted by other health service unions .
11 Their main concern was not that they should receive the extra money but that the man 's desire to give up smoking would be met .
12 When they reached the road which ran across the top of the village , the groom drew level and , with a nod of his head , indicated that they should take the righthand way which led to the river bridge .
13 It was arranged that they should get the express train from Hanover in order to open at the Folies-Bergère on the very evening of their arrival .
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