Example sentences of "that they would [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 said that they would want the basic rate increased by more than 2p , 40 per cent .
2 As scientific courses proliferated , so this aspect became more prominent ; the people working in particular sciences came to expect of each other that they would speak the same language , and gaps between physicists , chemists , biologists , geologists and so on increased .
3 This is recognised in the Law Commission Working Paper No 85 ( 1983 ) in relation to self-assembly furniture where it was said : The goods would , of course , have to be in a condition in which they could be assembled , and if they were sold without adequate instructions it is unlikely that they would meet the required standard of quality .
4 As soon as the opportunity presented itself , the likelihood was that they would show the same determination to seize the nobility 's land that they had displayed in 1905 .
5 With England discredited , the Protestants were in a much weaker position ; from Mary of Guise 's point of view , there was now no particular reason to suppose that they would upset the old order .
6 I. , N. and R. It may be indeed that such doctors will be willing to say that they would give the very authority for mechanical intervention which the doctors who have so far given evidence did not support .
7 When the British came we thought that they would lift the Moslem yoke from off our backs .
8 All too often they are accused of exploiting cats to satisfy the competitive urges of the exhibitors , and it might be imagined that they would favour the de-clawing operation to facilitate the handling of cats when they are being judged at shows .
9 They were terrified that the Jewish authorities would come for them and that they would suffer the same fate as Jesus .
10 Immediately after the sinking of HMS Sheffield , the Royal Navy changed its policy and reprogrammed all Abbey Hill computers in the task force so that they would recognise the lethal Exocet missile as foe rather than friend .
11 When recruited , black soldiers were informed by colonial officials that they would receive the same training , equipment , and pay as other British troops , they were also led to believe that there were possibilities for promotion .
12 Gemmill and Dickens argue that such tests examine both the validity of the model and the efficiency of the TOM and that they would have the following implications :
13 Plugger promised to keep the pair for me until the day before I left so that they would have the shortest travelling time possible .
14 At one meeting a chairman blithely told me as he went on to the platform that they would have the National Anthem at the end , changing his mind without consulting me first .
15 He had mentioned that they would have the full story on Saturday and that had changed Patrick 's mind for him .
16 Obviously most of them had them marked or had their name on them , so that they would have the same er the same set of tools every day .
17 They thus combined , in a frustrating way , a lack of precision and argument with an expectation that they would become the mandatory cornerstones of classroom practice .
18 On the other hand apologists for such policies rarely if ever sought to justify them on the grounds that they would reduce the real wage rate à la Malinvaud .
19 On Feb. 24 Klaus 's supporters , announcing that they would use the working name Civic Democratic Party , confirmed that they would follow the draft statute approved on Jan. 12-13 .
20 Pray that they would know the gentle touch of our Lord in their lives in the coming days .
21 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
22 There were many in the ruling party who treated the proposals with great suspicion , however , and who worked to delay and discredit them on the grounds that they would undermine the current factional structure of the LDP .
23 Er , sometimes it 's for tax reasons , sometimes it 's for er , for , for , for erm , er , reasons such as last year when er , we wrote down our , our stake by some seventy one million erm , it was because at that point the financing for B Sky B was not yet er , at all clear because the shareholders had been unable to agree at that point erm , that they would guarantee the two hundred or so million that er , needed to go in before the er , project became successful and so there was a genuine doubt on the financing .
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