Example sentences of "that they [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mr McGrady said : ‘ It is important that farmers receive this premium as it is the time of the year that they take land in conacre . ’
2 In Uzzell 's opinion , ‘ companies now want their investment in computers and telecommunications to relate to business volumes ’ as a way of ensuring that they get value for money .
3 It must also be right to have proper mechanisms in place to ensure that they get value for money .
4 But also , it is not exactly that they bring sexuality to politics ( it was always already there ) ; rather deviant desire brings with it a different kind of political knowledge , and hence inflects both desire and politics differently .
5 The European Commission has recommended to member states that they cut usage of methyl bromide [ see story above ] by 25 per cent over the next seen years .
6 Jo and Maggie are lucky , they 've managed to swing it so that they work side by side .
7 The Government regularly claim that they want value for money .
8 Or they might decide they want to learn how to read , that they want information about birth control , or advice about getting rid of a caique ( local boss ) .
9 Of the others — and this is no more than reportage of answers to the question - the ambulance services emerge reasonably well , in that they allow service by right of assessment .
10 ‘ From 1994 , therefore , candidates will be called upon to demonstrate that they understand marketing in use .
11 Letters are now being sent to their families in the United States , warning them that they face arrest upon return home .
12 Important characteristics of expert systems are that they provide advice in problem-solving based on the knowledge of experts , facilitate learning through experience and allow the use of natural language processing .
13 Traders at securities houses have long argued to the SEC that they need access to information about the current credits of the companies whose debt they are trading .
14 To be effective , though , the rules have a conditional character to them which means , of course , that they generate variation in behaviour in response to variable environments .
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