Example sentences of "that they [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two modes of entry have been suggested , one that they pierce the muscular layer of the upper rectum and travel upwards in the wall of the colon , and the other that they follow the course of the inferior mesenteric artery and its branches .
2 These figures suggest that slightly fewer than a quarter of our most influential church musicians are professionals , in the sense that they derive the major part of their income from music .
3 For one thing it overlooks God 's clear part in the extraordinary events that they witnessed the previous day .
4 The ‘ rehabilitation ’ or ‘ long-term support ’ team , as well as caring for a group of people with long-term problems , should also be responsible for maintaining a register of all people who should be receiving help in order to assist with monitoring their progress , ensuring that they receive the right care and treatment and that they do not get lost to the service .
5 The disabled face much frustration and discrimination in their lives and it is vitally important that they receive the maximum help through education , careers guidance , training and help with obtaining employment so that at least they have a real chance to find and keep satisfactory work .
6 No decision has been taken but he argues few countries include them , that they obscure the underlying trend and mean tightened monetary policy produces an illusory rise in monetary inflation .
7 Gettier argued that they show the tripartite account to be insufficient ; it is possible for someone not to know even when all the three clauses are satisfied .
8 This is not to say that they convey the same sense , nor that they necessarily refer to the same event ; but given what we know , both about the real world and the fictional world , it is reasonable to infer from each the same event .
9 People in business are often so pleased to obtain credit finance that they ignore the true nature of the obligations they have agreed to take on .
10 In other studies , investigators have often been able to assume that they know the lexical input to commonly occurring vowel variables such as ( e ) and ( a ) and also that all the lexical items counted have the much the same potential for variation ( that is , the direction of variation will be consistent throughout ) .
11 Make sure that both the farmer and the gamekeeper approve — and ensure that they know the exact date , time and place of your intended nettings .
12 Given this variation in language forms and use , the danger may be that teachers do not realise the extent of the variation , or that they regard the creole language forms as haphazard .
13 Now the Inland Revenue and Treasury officials have refused to discuss claims that they calculate the missing revenue at between £4 and £6 billion every year .
14 Overall , even if they do get the paper they want , it does not follow that they get the political coverage they want .
15 Everything within reason must be done to ensure not only that children are not neglected but that they get the best upbringing possible … .
16 To ensure that they get the right amount , vegetarians mix proteins from a variety of sources .
17 I think it 's very important that we do n't neglect er people who live in rural areas and that we do in fact ensure that they get the same sort of provision erm that they do elsewhere .
18 Then the Bonn government leaned on Germany 's aerospace industry chiefs so hard that they scrapped the whole event .
19 The Pentagon must be glad that they added the faint possibility that there was one chance in ten thousand that security might be breached .
20 A Protestant mob was so incensed by what he said that they wrecked the Irish quarter , breaking in the fronts of houses and knocking down their roofs , and it took a battalion of troops to restore order .
21 If indeed they were prehistoric , it is doubtful that they crossed the open downland after the later Bronze Age .
22 The Staufer maintained that they accepted the magisterial primacy of the Roman Church — the pope 's power to approve and anoint the emperor — but they challenged the jurisdictional primacy , namely the pope 's claim to appoint the emperor .
23 That we can , must , involve the reader , make the reader participate in the feeling we are trying to represent ; and we learn , too , that there are some subjects , like this one , so powerful in themselves that they require the simplest narration when it is time to take the reader to the climax .
24 Leaders of the Yatama Indian rebel alliance ( including Brooklyn Rivera , Wycliffe Diego and Steadman Fagoth Müller ) at the end of September signed a document confirming that they renounced the armed struggle ( although their fighters remained in the mountains ) and requested safe conduct to Nicaragua , at the same time announcing the formation of a new political party , and their support for Chamorro in the presidential elections .
25 Both ladies were to say later that they knew the young man by sight , but not by name .
26 The constables were keen to display to the field-worker that they knew the appropriate law to apply and that the law gave formal justification to their decisions , but there were a variety of other factors which facilitated this sensitive interpretation of the law .
27 But we have been brought up to respect these intellectual tools so much that they supplant the innocent insight of a child .
28 For example , members of the cytochrome P450 family 3 are present in high concentration in small intestinal epithelium and it has been suggested that they protect the small intestine from carcinoma .
29 The problem with ‘ infant industry ’ and other import controls is that they protect the domestic producer , whether foreign or local .
30 It was only some time later when he was safely on his way to Theatre that they realised the whole lot had been filmed .
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