Example sentences of "that he [vb past] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Before the storm broke he fell into a sleep so peaceful and deep that he heard nothing of the thunder crashing overhead or of the rush of waters as the lake filled and spread and crept and grew like a living thing .
2 Gombert 's linear sense — and sometimes Crecquillon 's and Lupi 's was so strong that he cared nothing for the asperities of harsh suspensions or accented passing-notes , as in this passage from his motet , ‘ Ave sanctissima Maria ’ :
3 She knew , from how he had said , " there is nothing wrong with a comfortable life , " that he felt none of the revulsion she did .
4 Starkey said yesterday that he knew nothing of the move and as far as he was concerned he was still on Cacoethes .
5 His embarrassment about self-disclosure gives the impression , belied by his other books , that he knew nothing of the mystery that grace works by means of human weakness , not by side-stepping it .
6 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
7 Major insisted that he knew nothing of the BCCI fraud before June 28 , 1991 , when he was informed by the Bank of England .
8 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
9 If they were stopped by the police and her basket was searched , he was to say that he knew nothing about the newspapers — she made him agree to this arrangement if he wanted to accompany her on her clandestine journeys .
10 It was clear from Hans 's face that he knew nothing about the allegations .
11 hinting that he had plenty in the bank .
12 She spoke with the venom of thwarted passion , all too painfully aware that he spoke nothing but the truth .
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