Example sentences of "that in [adj] a [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 At face value this passage asserts that in such a case the appellant/respondent is entitled to raise before the House of Lords any issue on which leave had been granted at the outset of the appeal and which was raised before but left unresolved by the Court of Appeal .
2 Directive , the court holding that in such a case the member state is obliged to make good damage suffered by individuals as a result of its failure so to do .
3 Mr. Lloyd said that in such a case the discretion to order rectification against a bona fide purchaser , such as the building society in the present case , would be very unlikely ever to be exercised .
4 A literal interpretation of section 8 might suggest that the ability to plead the jus tertii provides the defendant with a defence , but it is submitted that in such a case the provisions of section 7 preserve the common law rule that a claimant relying on a possessory interest may recover the full value of the thing converted .
5 MacKenna J. held that there was an implied term that in such a case the seller was not completely excused from all performance but that the buyer had the option of accepting delivery of the reduced quantity , at a pro rata price .
6 The UK government argues that in such a case the provisions of the directive do not apply , but the Commission disagrees .
7 Lord McLaren at p309 stated : It seems to me that in such a case the deduction would be no more claimable than in a case where an individual partner having money in many concerns chooses to employ a private secretary for the purpose of keeping an account of his income and his expenditure .
8 It is said by the appellant … that International Law has firmly fixed that a locus such as this is beyond the limits of territorial sovereignty ; and that consequently it is not to be thought that in such a place the legislature could seek to affect any but the King 's subjects .
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