Example sentences of "that in the first [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He pointed to a ‘ desperate need to educate the population better ’ and said that in the first half of the Eighties the engineering workforce fell by a third and the number of graduates employed increased by half .
2 County NatWest calculates that in the first half of the year to September 1991 , Hanson made £150m interest on its cash pile and £60m-70m from selling a subsidiary — in all , 37% of its total pre-tax profits of £588m .
3 UK Management Buyouts 1992 , the annual review for The Centre for Management Buyout Research at the University of Nottingham , notes that in the first half of 1992 , buyouts and buy-ins accounted for 29.6% of the value of all transfers of ownership in the UK and nearly 60% of the total number .
4 Finally in this section , it is worth pointing out that in the first Unit of this course we learnt that organisations which were based on an open system ( where information flowed in and out through a ‘ permeable boundary ’ to its environment and publics and where adjustment was made in the light of feedback ) , were more able to adapt to change and continue to prosper .
5 Notes by the Rector about his establishments survive and we learn that in the first year of the new Sunday School there were 45 male and 32 female attendees .
6 Thank you chairman , erm , I 've heard what Mr said then I think it is worth reminding ourselves that a significant number of members of this council are new to this council and it 's therefore quite right and proper that in the first year of the business of this council that there should be a significant number of seminars and briefings to enable members to fully acquaint themselves with the business of the council the working of the er , operations of this council so that we can in fact make informed decisions er in the future .
7 It seems that in the first year of life you 're more likely than at any other time in your life to die at the hands of somebody else .
8 We are anxious that all industrial customers should have access to competitively priced electricity and I am pleased to say that an independent survey showed that in the first year after privatisation three quarters of those customers experienced at least a 10 per cent .
9 They were prompted by new figures showing that in the first quarter of 1993 Britain 's GDP , excluding its output of crude oil , grew by 0.6% and its total GDP by 0.2% .
10 The practical significance of this distinction is that in the first group of cases there is a greater likelihood of the necessary information being passed rapidly to the defendant , and that will in turn meet the objective of the Convention 's authors and also the standards set by ‘ due process ’ tests .
11 Although visiting grandparents was the basis of many significant memories and relationships , it is surprising that in the first set of interviews there are even more significant mentions of grandparents who at some point lived in the same house as their children .
12 It will be recalled that in the first stage of the distribution of seats in the WGMS any pasty failing to win either 5% of the list votes or three constituency seats is excluded .
13 We shall denote any state by the letter G. Suppose that in the first phase of a learning cycle , while its inputs are the desired settings Sk , each state G occurs with frequency P(G) .
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