Example sentences of "that came out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A pass from Venus sounds like the definitive long-ball game , and Villa 's central defenders , Paul McGrath and Mountfield , did well to defend a series of attacks that came out of the night sky .
2 WHATEVER happened to the days when cricketers dressed in white , sported smart caps , and cursed catches in the deep that came out of the sun ?
3 There was n't even a mantle , it as a wall bracket that came out of the wall with a little tiny gas jet that fanned out sot of thing and that was your illumination for the the bedroom .
4 I 'll go through it again once we 've seen the film , and ask you to give me the main points that came out of the film .
5 The Spectrum 's PCB is screwed onto four plastic pillars using the screws that came out of the Spectrum so do n't drop any of them !
6 There were some … compensations that came out of the experience of sitting round a hospital bed with my father and my sister . ’
7 It was one of the schools that came out of the Reformation , for it was founded during the reign of Queen Mary by a landowner who sat for Derbyshire in Parliament .
8 Superman ( Christopher Reeve ) himself was sometimes hung by wires ( the disadvantage of which is that they might have to be matted out frame by frame by hand ) or supported on a hydraulic arm that came out of the screen at 90° and which , like his shadow , was hidden by his body .
9 We now turn to statements on the curriculum that came out of the debate .
10 You 've no idea the miners and , and people that came out onto the road and had nowhere to go or stay and had nothing .
11 There was frequently a hair-tidy of the same design on the dressing-table , a little dish with a lid , and a hole through which one could push the hair that came out on the comb .
12 Although the majority of the people did n't know I believe that came out after the war , but people who were affected , they knew exactly that their son or husband was in Dachau
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