Example sentences of "that even [subord] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do not know how the RAF dealt with bed-wetters in the days of National Service , but I am certain that even although the Royal Navy had abandoned hammocks not long after the Second World War , a persistent enuretic on board a warship would create even more serious problems than he could in an army barracks .
2 We have now examined into Master Hussey 's means , and we are satisfied , ’ said the prince , very gravely and courteously , ‘ that even though no exact inventory has yet been made of all the property passing to you , Master Hussey , by your uncle 's will , yet you have certainly acquired assets which must be disposable , and of such a nature as to be very readily disposable .
3 As some people join , others leave so that even though the total number of unemployed may have remained unchanged from one month to the next , the composition of that unemployment may have changed considerably .
4 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
5 In the barony of Lewes it was not unknown for heritable copyholds to be entailed , to such an extent indeed that even though the common law harboured reservations as to its legality , the judges ‘ haue bene sparinge to deliuer their opinions because it concerned very many of the kinges subjectes ’ .
6 Another way of putting it is that even though the academic community is founded on a culture of critical discourse ( see Chapter 7 ) , normally it gives little thought to the criteria by which its critical judgements come into play .
7 Soon the forest closed around her , so dense and dark in places that even as the new day broke she imagined herself still to be in a midnight realm .
8 I was told that the outcome of the election would have no effect on either the funding or the speed with which a bed could be found , and that even if a Labour government dismantled the existing system there would be no adverse consequences for my sister .
9 French architectural styles at home , the desirability of French education for Scots abroad , military and economic ties , all combined to produce the feeling that even if a French upbringing for their monarch was only to be countenanced because of the extreme dangers created by the Rough Wooing , it was not unnatural in the way that an English upbringing would have been .
10 He warned that even if the Arab League accepted the truce proposal , he would still send his army into Palestine after 15 May .
11 That would mean that even if the final decision rested with the Secretary of State he would be seen by all concerned parties to be basing his judgment on neutral , expert scientific advice .
12 He says that even if the nearest house was ten miles away , people would still complain .
13 Lord Keith agreed with the Court of Appeal 's finding in Webb , that even if the later test were applied , the employer 's defence would still be justifiable .
14 On the other hand there are those who would argue that even if the academic course has to have a vocational purpose — and most students themselves would agree with this — the variety of vocational destinations requires a degree of generality to achieve commonality of interests and this can not provide for the specific needs of future language teachers .
15 The decision in G. v. G. is of course now well known , but I reiterate it , since the matter has been raised in this case , that is that even if the appellate court would itself have preferred a different conclusion it must leave the decision of first instance undisturbed unless it could say the decision was wrong .
16 If , then , this column is going to be devoted to what could be called the ecology ( or Eco-logy ) of popular culture , it 's obliged to recognize that none of the emblematic artifices and artefacts of that culture , be they movies , commercials , headlines , photographs , typefaces , fashions or fads , can any longer be trusted to be ‘ innocent ’ ; that even if the crisp elegance of the typeface in which this article is embedded emits a ‘ meaning ’ as much as does the text itself , that meaning is also just as conscious and deliberate .
17 For he was realistic enough to recognize that even if the Greek distinction between the ‘ pure ’ and the ‘ useful ’ was ultimately illusory , still the kind of class-division to which it had given rise was deeply engrained .
18 Mercedes-Benz , which originally developed airbag technology and which fits the US size bag as standard to all its products in the UK , argues that even if the full size bag is triggered accidentally , the inflation and deflation cycle is over so quickly that the driver does not lose control .
19 The sovereign government should accept that even if an overall solution is impossible , at this time , some practical steps can still be taken to tackle the democratic deficit .
20 An implication of the last point is that even when the initial exposure to the stimulus has been prolonged or has involved repeated presentations , it should be possible to detect some loss of the latent inhibition effect over time , provided the interval before the start of conditioning is long enough .
21 That quality is retained throughout a rev range that goes up to and beyond 6500rpm so that even when the electronic engine speed limiter cuts in , the VR6 sounds subdued and untroubled .
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