Example sentences of "with [pron] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But when Siegfried drove away , the activity stopped abruptly and as I was leaving with my pockets stuffed with the equipment for my round I glanced into the sitting room and saw the young man stretched in his favourite chair .
2 I grab the butt , with my fingers curled around the reel seating , and strike .
3 I sit with my arms wrapped around the chrome railing and my bare heels gripping the sides .
4 With my finances stretched to the limit because I had committed myself to spending all of that May in the Highlands , I drove back to the pub in Glenelg to consider it .
5 I felt and slid my arms under Harry 's and with my feet slipping on the muddy bottom yanked him upwards as fiercely as I could and found him still stuck and yanked again twice more with increasing desperation until finally whatever had been holding him released its grasp and he came shooting to the surface , only to begin falling sluggishly back again as a dead weight .
6 With my feet frozen to the floor , I followed the red lights in the sky until they both disappeared and the two loud bangs which followed signified that they too had come down heavily somewhere .
7 As I stood with my hands resting on the stone of the bridge , the door of the hotel was again thrown open .
8 With my burdens lying against the brickwork of the bridge , I walk on along the same narrow path that now begins to climb the side of a rather bald looking hill .
9 But as I sat with my legs dangling over the edge , looking out on to the quiet water meadow , the anarchy of Delhi seemed far away and I began to see why in all the most sensible cultures , Paradise was envisaged as a walled pleasure garden .
10 The efficiency with which fluids pass through the rocks depends heavily on the interconnections , the spaces available in the pore throats and the sorting of the sediment .
11 The Arab girl rolled on to her back to balance on her shoulders , her legs spread wide with her feet pointing towards the ceiling .
12 She saw his sister and nephew next morning as she was loading her car with her carvings to take to the hospital .
13 Commonest call-outs are flat batteries first thing in the morning , flat tyres any time , and at weekends the woman shopper with her keys locked in the car .
14 Seeing that my daughter Anna has not availed herself of my advice touching the objectionable practice of going about with her arms bare to the elbows , my will is that , should she continue after my death this violation of the modesty of her sex , all goods , chattels , moneys , land , and other that I have devised to her for the maintenance of her future life shall pass to the oldest of the sons of my sister Caroline .
15 Delia Sutherland fell on to the cream leather sofa with her arms stretched across the back of it , her legs stiff in front of her , laughing uncontrollably .
16 Early the following year , the Hopewell was loaded once more with harvests of cotton and indigo as well as its principal cargo , 9,500 pounds of tobacco , and she set sail from the harbour with her sails reefed against the season 's squalls and a small crew on board , under James Lariot as captain .
17 Snuggling closer , with her hands twining in the thickness of his hair , she whispered , ‘ I wondered what you meant .
18 Millie was standing at the table with her hands resting on the back of a chair , looking down at the tablecloth .
19 She cut the engine , then sat with her hands clenched round the steering-wheel , suddenly uncertain what she would say to him .
20 Sweetheart was sitting in her favourite chair with her legs crossed at the knee and a magazine spread out on the table before her .
21 He was aware only of Eloise sitting next to him , with her legs crossed at the knee , one delicate ankle encircled by a thin gold chain .
22 She did as she was ordered , and lay flat on the table with her legs dangling over the end .
23 Leonora kept her temper with difficulty , feeling ridiculous with her legs dangling from the high stool .
24 With her ears ringing from the massive blast of the weapon she threw herself down and crawled across to the wall by the front door , able to see back through the sitting-room to the kitchen .
25 With her eyes fixed on the road ahead , she frowned .
26 With her eyes fixed on the dog Sophie said suddenly , ‘ She 's coming round . ’
27 Felicity , lying back with her eyes closed in the late afternoon sun , smiles .
28 Mrs Wormwood sat munching her meal with her eyes glued to the American soap-opera on the screen .
29 He called for an Arab order " far removed from the stains of oil , consumerism and tyranny " and attacked " those Arabs " who were " motivated by tribal affiliation and arrogance " and who had " flooded the nation with their oil and bragged about their seats which were restored at the hands of the foreigner and with its lances stained with the blood of their brothers " .
30 Her flat was on the third floor with its windows looking towards the river .
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