Example sentences of "with [pron] [adj] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 For seven years they 'd lived apart — Adam in Wickrithe with Gran , herself in Coniston with Aunt Sarah and Uncle Nick — but now that she was back in Wickrithe , helping Gran with her bed-and-breakfast business for the summer , it was as if there 'd been no break .
2 Some names have already been mentioned but it is possible to think of so many : of Mr Tommy and Mr Bobbie Reynolds and their work in choir and Sunday School , of the dignified and gracious figures of Mr and Mrs T H Watson ( parents of the Reverend George Watson ) , of Mr W A Mullen DL and his son Mr Cecil Mullen , generous and energetic benefactors of the church in so many ways , of Mr R J Magowan OBE JP for over 40 years secretary of the Trustees , of the brothers Mr Herbie and Mr David McClatchey , their service as Trustees and members of the choir , of Mr David Lyttle , Mr Norman Lyttle and Mr Sammy Lyttle , active in all aspects of the church 's life but especially concerned with choir and Sunday Schools of Mr Willie Holmes and his daughters Winnie and Amy , of Mr David Lamb and his family , of Mr Twinem Jackson , who , with Mr Magowan , still had time to give years of public service to the community at large in Portadown , of Mr C J McKinley , concerned with the Building Fund over the years and Superintendent of the morning Sunday School from 1943 to the 1960s , of Mrs Sleator with her wholehearted love for the church and for people , of Mr Bertie Montgomery , always cheerful and serene , who , among so many other things , began the practice of taping the services for the benefit of the elderly and housebound , of M Alfred Shortt and his long and generous association with the Sunday School , or Mr Dan Humphries , helping over the years with the church 's finances , of members of the Calvert and Hardy families and of those who , belonging to other Societies , nevertheless gave years of service to Edenderry — Mr Sam Robinson , Mr Joseph Cranston , Mr John Curry , Mr James Mullen , Mr W J Green , Mr Isaac Holland , Mr Eric Walker , and Mr William Bustard .
3 Lydia felt with her left hand for the keyhole , while with her right she attempted to insert the key , and then stood still .
4 Mary Shirley , a new teacher in the Kent area , is another trail-blazer who has been stirring interest with her special classes for the elderly and their carers .
5 The black wings and running-board set off the sober mole colour of the body , and the President glowed as he proudly explained the working of the controls and gear lever , opened the doors to display the interior with its adjustable foot-rests for the rear-seat passengers and obliged a request from one admirer to see how much space there was in the luggage compartment at the back .
6 That 's in the darkness of the inner room , with its raised seat for the dhāmi when he 's possessed , and its rows of bells and strips of red and white cotton cloth strung in a jumble from the rafters .
7 Each leaf , with its own Pledge for the Planet will be pinned on a giant ‘ tree ’ which is to be put up outside the summit building in Rio de Janeiro .
8 Wilde , depicted as the leader of the aesthetic movement , with its unnatural taste for the sensual and the erotic , was pilloried in court as a foreign parasite .
9 Predictably , the international media circus , with its Olympian disdain for the parochial , has long since moved on .
10 The safest bet , actuarially and politically , is the age of 63 with its obvious implications for the extension of the working lives of women as a means of ‘ paying for ’ the reduction of those of men .
11 Naturally there are many who do not share that view , with its obvious potential for the abuse of market domination and disregard for local or regional needs .
12 And there 's Act with their amoral fascination for the artifice and decadence of showbiz .
13 It just slows you down so that there are no longer enough hours in the day , and then some things get put off and other things are only half-completed and you 're told you need help — an assistant priest , no less , to concentrate , as the Bishop with his unfailing instinct for the wrong word put it , on ‘ the donkey work ’ ( well , perhaps after all I was only a beast of burden , Father McGiff conceded ) to give you ‘ a chance to relax , take life more easily , think a bit more , pray a bit more , meditate ’ .
14 How else could United manager Dave Bassett call up a faithful old servant from his Wimbledon days like Alan Cork and see him kill off Everton with his first goal for the club ?
15 David Rennie earned Birmingham their fourth win on the trot with his first goal for the club .
16 His finger on the pulse of the ‘ holidays with pay ’ movement , he reaped rich dividends with his new strategies for the packaging of popular pleasure .
17 And when the Ewood Park boss returns to face the Kop with his new club for the first time , Rush says Dalglish will be trying hard to hide his regret .
18 Yet the means he employs seem to contradict these aims : reconciling his removal of benefits from 16 and 17 year olds , for instance , with his expressed support for the family , is an exercise to test even the wisest .
19 Portsmouth striker Clarke fired his way into the history books with his 13th goal for the Irish to finally beat the all-time best of 12 , which he previously shared with Gerry Armstrong , Joe Bambrick and Billy Gillespie .
20 In spring 1981 Brezhnev responded with his formal proposal for the West to accept certain norms in relations with the Third World , including respect for their status of non-alignment and ‘ abstention from attempts to draw them into military-political blocs of powers ’ .
21 In confusion and panic he felt behind him with his left hand for the door-handle , pushing the handle down and edging his way round the door .
22 It might be okay for Nutty and even for a weed like Hoomey with his crass infatuation for the hulking ex-chaser , but for a cool customer like himself it was out of character .
23 He let them pass , acknowledged them barely , made the faint pretence that he had chosen this path by chance for a late afternoon walk , even gazed up at Skiddaw , and their gurgled laughter mixed in with his own longing for the gurgling of their necks to gape blood .
24 Steve , who has won the Isle of Man race eight times and holds the outright lap record , will be arriving with his latest bike for the 1992 racing season .
25 At half past four the morose office messenger would slink in with his brief case for the last of the week 's mail , ducking the cheerful insults the girls would fling at him .
26 In only the second week of his month on loan from Newcastle , the 30-year old helped earn a point with his fourth goal for the Sky Blues .
27 As already noted , the Cambridge Board from the autumn of 1924 , paid Pateman an honorarium of £150 for his services as joint secretary to the Tutorial Classes Committee and in connection with his organising work for the annual Cambridge summer school .
28 Digitisation brings with it exciting possibilities for the archival scholar .
29 He retires with our good wishes for the future .
30 At an informal presentation by officers of the committee , Judith , who is a keen gardener , was given a gardening book , a rose bush , and garden centre vouchers along with our best wishes for the future .
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