Example sentences of "with [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Their level of expertise and commitment is at least on a par with that of the police and fire service .
2 But it would be a superficial reading of club ideology to view the movement simply in terms of its ‘ rescue ’ work , for though this may have been so in the early days , it was never the sole aim which would imply a passivity hardly reconcilable with the ambitions of the founders of clubs , or with that of the missions and settlement houses .
3 The nurturing relationship between foetus and mother is compared with that between the branches and roots of a tree .
4 Serve the remainder as a starter with eight of the croûtons and the cheese .
5 On March 10 the Hungarian Foreign Minister , Gyula Horn , and his Soviet counterpart , Eduard Shevardnadze , signed a similar agreement in Moscow , providing for the withdrawal of all 49,700 Soviet troops from Hungary also by July 1991 , with two-thirds of the troops and equipment due to be removed by the end of 1990 .
6 Starting off with paragraph thirty three of P P G three , , erm you 'll see in my statement that I 've actually in seeking to address point A dealt with each of the conditions that P P G three er refers to , for which a new settlement should be contemplated , and you will see that I 've reached a conclusion that having regarded the unique circumstances of York , the Greater York new settlement does represent an appropriate and justified policy response , you 'll se also see my statement , I 've taken some comfort from the fact that the good practice guide that has been published by the department of the environment , has endorsed the approach that North Yorkshire County Council has taken towards the special circumstances of the Greater York area .
7 The VT2 DNA binding domain peptide VT2 was incubated with each of the probes and the resulting complexes separated on polyacrylamide gels .
8 Er and on the basis of your knowledge I mean , in terms of the flats , when you 've s you 've been there f er and also you 've erm worked with some of the tenants that have been down here , I mean how what do you think er in terms of the living conditions , I mean how er in the flats , I mean how do they , how do you see them ?
9 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
10 We are one of the biggest clubs in the country , the second best supported at home and I 'm afraid that this season I 've become very disappointed with some of the players and management decisions — I think we deserve better and while we 're not in the position of say Swindon something needs to be done if ( and I 've ussed this line before ) we 're not to become perenial mid table finishers .
11 Despite the initial shock of being confronted with a typical Elizabethan letter or manuscript , the collector may be assured that , once he has troubled to master the unfamiliar forms of a number of the letters , their consistency will ensure that he will have no more — and sometimes less — trouble than he has with some of the missives that find their way to his desk or doormat today .
12 We 've got a lot of volunteers who we 've er trained in listening skills and how to answer the phone , and how to deal with some of the problems that come up .
13 well , I have one , and I think that 's expensive enough , but regarding the licence extra money , I think that we should n't have to pay any television licence at all with some of the programmes that we 're getting on , they 're all repeated
14 The coverage of live sport on our screens is usually good ; at times exceptional , but television fails to deal with some of the things that matter in sport : all-seat football stadiums , Manchester 's application for the Olympic Games in the year 2000 , payment in Rugby Union .
15 Though their value is minimal compared with some of the treasures that pass through Tim 's hands , he has a particular affection for the old tins .
16 Erm and I think it 's exactly the same with some of the words that you know that I quoted earlier .
17 He 's not popular with some of the neighbours but Steve could n't sit back while the animals suffered .
18 It would also allow me to experiment as much as I likes with the interesting colours of the Winsor & Newton Artists ' Acrylic Colour range and with some of the techniques that are particularly well suited to the acrylic medium .
19 ‘ I was then introduced by telephone to Mr Ford and spoke to him but I was extremely unhappy with some of the explanations that Mr Ford had given .
20 Father Rafferty is pictured with some of the children and group leaders and parishioners Lorraine Newcombe and Kath Kipling .
21 The first evening we left the children with some of the helpers and my husband , David , and I set out to Mass at the convent .
22 The following remedies are intended to assist the body with some of the hold-ups that may occur in this natural process whether or not you are having constitutional treatment .
23 I have also written again to Ms de Jonghe to try to make progress with some of the issues that we intended to discuss during her visit .
24 He was educated at King William 's College , Isle of Man , described by his brother A. E. Lynam as ‘ a romantic place in those days with few of the traditions or restrictions of the modern public school ’ .
25 First the goods have to be " consumer goods " within the meaning of s 12(1) ( c ) , with all of the problems that this definition entails .
26 not a lot cos you know in the department I 've got it 's ah we 're in touch with all of the suppliers and all the sub- contractors
27 I 'm travelling against the flow towards a beautiful sunset with all of the layers and shades of light orange through to deep violet .
28 All I 'm gon na do after this is reproduce the list with all of the points that each person has agreed .
29 ‘ I do n't agree with many of the things that are going on . ’
30 The nurseries closed down in February 1940 , with many of the children and adults moving on to Bydown and Braunton .
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