Example sentences of "you may not [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once set up , you may not change the value given to LIFESPAN as the Storage Directory for a particular Charge Code .
2 You may not register a mark for services , such as consultancies , banking , engine tuning or education .
3 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
4 You may not think the end result worth it , but there are an awful lot of balls to be kept in the air and some fairly nasty consequences if any should accidentally hit the ground .
5 Walking out on your partner may not be the answer to midlife change and you may not want a divorce , but you are likely to find that you need to update your relationship if the marriage is to be sound and mutually satisfying for another twenty or thirty years .
6 No you may not draw a picture .
7 You may not dislike the person ( or alternatively , you may ) but you do n't want to see them then , at all .
8 You may not know the answers to some of these things at first , but there will be plenty of chances to discuss them later .
9 some of you may not know the history of this decision .
10 If you act quickly you may not need a specialist product .
11 My guess is you may not need the hour to complete the er course work but er it 's always difficult to say when you set the thing , yeah ?
12 If you are unable to recognise the various fragments that turn up on early sits , you may not consider the area to warrant further searching .
13 You 're going to hear a lot more about her — and you may not like a lot of what you hear .
14 Unfortunately , what constitutes reasonable time is n't clearly defined under British law , and if a court thinks you 've taken too long to register your complaint , you may not have a case .
15 Of course , you may not have a choice about where you live , particularly if you are a student in halls of residence , or a disabled person with special requirements .
16 You may not have the support of people around you because
17 If you identify strongly with those you study you may not appreciate the extent to which you have been brain-washed .
18 Note down any other changes you may have noticed about yourself , even minor ones — you may not see the connection but they may be vital clues to the doctor .
19 You hang it in the wardrobe and although you may not find the smell unpleasant , the moth certainly will !
20 If the baby 's fed on water or for some reason does not take food normally , you may not find the problem , but a few days after milk feed this substance will begin to rise and it can be protected so the diagnosis is made by a test , does anybody know how the Guffbry test is done ?
21 You may not win every battle but you 'll have fun .
22 Right yeah erm so that can be , that can be a bit awkward but still some of the older stuff can give you a bit of a grounding in , in , in , in , in , in what it 's about if you can find anything relevant and sometimes you 've just got to sort of wander round the library and pick things up off the shelves like at random and see , see if you can find something in the index or find something in the contents pages that sort of vaguely coincides with what the you know what 's been talked about in the class that week erm sometimes if you keep looking you might actually be dead lucky and find one of the recommended books has actually come back in erm you may find that you 've got to be a bit flexible about that because , you know , if a topic 's dealt with in November you may not get a chance to see the book until you know kind of , I do n't know , February or something , you know I mean so it , it sometimes does mean you 've got to do the reading like a bit displaced from the from the classes
23 You may not get a standing ovation , but applause you do n't need .
24 you see and ther I su I suppose there was about ten or a dozen girls behind the counter because it was early and late turn for them because you see we were open , you see , until ten o'clock at night , you see , and er then , well , anyway , after that erm I heard about this job going as Assistant Manageress at Cambridge and er so I applied and the Manager said to me , I thought well I 'll be here ten years , erm I can be here until I 'm you know , donkeys years and er so he said well look you may not get a job because he said that another girl coming from Norwich to go to Cambridge to see the Manager as well as you and so you might not get it , she might get it , and , however , I went and er I , I met the Manager and the Manageress in the front office , the Manager 's office and we all had a chat but I did n't see the girl from Norwich , she must have gone some other day and anyway I got the job , you see , and er , and so I went to Cambridge as Assistant Manageress and I very well and I got to know all kinds of people , all nationalities being a university city .
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