Example sentences of "you need [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Do you need to go to the toilet again before you go to sleep ?
2 There , that 's OK , do n't worry , do you need to go to the toilet ?
3 Do you need to go to the toilet ?
4 Well you can do that you , well ten more , ten more minutes but do you need to go to the toilet before you go to school Alex ?
5 You did it , you did it very well , yes , but you needed , I know you were going to , you needed to say at the end , is this important to you , or is this something you would like on your policy .
6 Where once you were making a conscious effort to cast long and accurately and were aware of the amount of punch you needed to put into the strike , you will find that with experience you begin to do these things quite naturally .
7 The difference between tactics and strategy " is that tactics covers what you need to do at the moment and strategy provides the broad guidelines that determine over-all direction .
8 If you ca n't rely on the private sector or exports to get the economy going , you need to rely on the Government and there is very little in this statement to reflect that policy .
9 The suggestions for when to seek advice in the following sections are only intended to be guidelines to help you decide when you need to call on the expert help of your health care practitioner .
10 The suggestions for when to seek advice in the following sections are only intended to be guidelines to help you decide when you need to call on the expert help of your health care practitioner .
11 As you open up the throttle , you need to move to the front of the boat to help it rise on to the plane .
12 To claim your goodies , you need to arrive at the box office after 10.00am on the date of the film you want to see , bearing a copy of that day 's Independent .
13 You need to turn off the power source , remove the cover from the existing single socket and disconnect the wiring .
14 No , well I 'm , I need that one , that 's not a white one , you need to go through the wheel there , see
15 I think you need to go to the toilet the way you 're jiggling around .
16 I think you need to go to the toilet do n't you ?
17 You need to go to the toilet ?
18 I think you need to go to the toilet first before we have lunch .
19 I think you need to go to the toilet Davey , you 're wriggling .
20 Right lads we 're going out in five minutes , I do n't know if you need to go to the toilet Alex ?
21 One thing , you need to go to the bathroom or , or to get a drink , says wake up and go and do it , the other thing , th th the desire to go on sleeping , says you know , well do n't wake now , I want to go on sleeping .
22 I mean I can tell you that there 's water in the pipe if you 're thirsty , but you need to go to the pipe with a glass and turn the tap on in order to er not to be thirsty any more , in order to receive the water .
23 Similarly , remind yourself that even if the worst comes to the worst and you need to go in the middle of the interview it is no big deal although it feels like a disaster to you .
24 We had no idea how long it would take to support ourselves or how far back you need to go in the food chain before you can become organic .
25 You should cast several times in daylight to get a feel of the power you need to put into the cast to reach the swim .
26 You will already have considered most of the factors under ‘ operational implications ’ , but do n't forget that you need to allow for the tea , coffee and biscuits that the second conference will be consuming in substantial quantities .
27 ‘ Having established what it is that people are interested in , you need to start with the individual .
28 You may feel at the end of the day that you need to hear from the officer of the case and he is still present obviously in case the court wishes
29 If you move straight from chapter 5 to chapter 8 you will get a stark contrast between two theories of justification , and all you need to know for the moment is that I take the intervening chapters to provide a reason against any form of foundationalism .
30 Basically as far as what you need to know at the point of sale , yes .
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