Example sentences of "you have [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose if you 'd asked me before all this happened , I 'd have said I 'd give in , but I was so angry .
2 I think , er you know , they 're just a , you know , if , if they were erm elm trees or something like that , or you know blackthorn trees here and you 'd taken them in this country , you 'd say , oh there 's a couple of blackthorn trees !
3 Lucy knew she had to tell him something , so she said , ‘ She got mad with me when I admitted you 'd taken me for two bush walks .
4 Once you have completed your design , you must ensure that you cover it with a sheet of glass should you have to leave it at any time .
5 Do you have to dip it in hot water or something ?
6 ‘ Why would you have told me in any case ?
7 Not only do you have to fold it with fastidious care to avoid pinching and clouding the plastic rear window , but fitting it in a hurry is simply impossible .
8 why do you have do it with that one ?
9 Once you 've trained it like that to test it on this pattern all you do is take the pack into the system and see whether you can
10 You 've missed it by ten minutes .
11 So your mum 's cut it up or you 've cut it up this time just between the two of us and you 've cut it into two halves you 've got half there and I 've got another half .
12 and how I could , we 'd see him passing and he used to keep , he used to live in a li , like it was a farm place further on , Sand Mill Cafe , I do n't know whether you 've seen it along that road
13 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
14 This , however , is what we do , together with a big ‘ Thank you ’ for all the news and views that you 've given us in 1991 .
15 Mhm , frozen , and you 've , by the time you 've thawed it in forty eight hours , it 's no use for Christmas time , that 's
16 ‘ What do you mean to do , ’ demanded Harry , looking fiercely up at him from under drawn brows , ‘ now that you 've tricked me into this betrayal ?
17 It 's us and people out there , there is still people out there sighing and crying and groaning under the detestable things that are going on in this world , I 've no doubt you 've met many , but , when they say I do n't know what the world 's coming to , well if you know what 's in your magazines and then your literature and the reasoning book , all these lovely provisions , because you 've devoured it , you 've eaten it like that scroll that John was given , it was sweet to him was n't it ?
18 You 've saved it in two months ?
19 I do n't like housework particularly — it 's just a bore , it 's so monotonous , and with a child you 've done it once and five minutes later it just does n't look as though you 've done it at all .
20 ‘ They just put a tick on it if you 've done it at all .
21 I suppose it 's a satisfying thing — to know you 've done it at last and it 's all there , nice and clean .
22 And you 've done it like this .
23 The passcode system 's a welcome addition and the joystick on the control panel which mimics your movement 's also a nice touch , but once you 've played it for five minutes you 'll have seen everything the game 's got to offer !
24 You know you can do it you can do the fractions and once you 've turned it into twelfths you can do it .
25 You 've got to be over there for eleven o'clock and you 've had it after that to get anywhere else
26 If I go , If I could just to , to bring go , right back to a point you made much earlier coming off is exactly as you 've described it for most people
27 You 've found us on 1584 kilohertz that 's 189 metres in the medium wave band .
28 Er ca n't watch it after you 've watched it at eight , I 'm getting right odd here
29 You 've brought us to this , you conniving old bastard . ’
30 It 's fif , as I say , there 's fif , that 's one now , you 've got it on one .
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