Example sentences of "that if [pron] [vb base] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 've told the couple that if they take the house the windows at least will be repaired .
2 Er th but do n't forget that , that if they make the transfer , if they give the house to you , is that what you mean , yes ?
3 They will not be aware initially that if they join the Society in the autumn they will obtain what is virtually three months ' free membership .
4 you know , in the one case you 're , you 're the representative of court the probation erm officer and they know that if they break the probation or you sort of erm do a bad report on them , maybe they 've got a suspended or something and they 'll , so you know there 's a , and , and you somehow have to handle that
5 Turning to the prices of individual stocks , in many cases the price is above par ( £100 ) because of the fall in interest rates , so investors have to take into account the fact that if they hold the stock to maturity they will incur a capital loss .
6 They know that if we veto the changes to the Treaty of Rome , they 'll have to start from scratch , and none of the institutions of the EC would have any legal or political purchase over what they are doing …
7 ‘ The theory is that if we set the lead the passengers will overcome their inhibitions and join in , ’ Niall added .
8 We want to know their opinion of the band so that if we sign the group , we hope everyone in the company will like the artist 's work and try to promote it as well as possible .
9 What is common to these and related responses is that if we take the starting of the wipers to be an effect we believe at least that there is some type of circumstance which is uniformly connected with the wipers ' starting .
10 Rather , it is that if we want the benefits of efficient wealth creation it must be acknowledged that companies will inevitably possess power .
11 She says that if we spend the night together , Papa will have to let us marry .
12 I think the argument is that if we call the nature of the experience ‘ R ’ , and if we concede the materialist claim that R is a brain state , then in knowing the brain state the blind scientist knows R , though not what R is like .
13 The hon. Gentleman knows that if we compare the position now with that of 10 years ago — at the same stage of the economic cycle — we see that manufacturing output is up by a quarter , manufacturing investment is up by a third , manufacturing productivity is up by more than a half , and manufactured exports are up by almost three quarters .
14 So , for example , if we took diphtheria we could say that the toxin was by far the most important and weighty factor , and that if we knock the toxin out then the disease ca n't occur .
15 For , first , this method springs from Moore 's awareness of an important truth , namely that if we see the point of everything in its being a means to something else we empty the world of value .
16 Another way of putting this is that if we impose the restriction that by adding X and Z together to form a single variable ( X + Z ) , and carry out the regression : if β 1 really is equal to β 2 in the process generating Y t then the estimates of β and β 1 from equation ( 3.20 ) , in a large sample , should not differ very much from the estimates from equation ( 3.19 ) .
17 A separate dimension of the social enterprise perspective is that if we view the company as a public or social body , albeit under private control , then its directors and managers should be held to requirements of disclosure and standards of ethical conduct appropriate to those carrying out public functions .
18 The fear must be that if we leave the issue unresolved then there will be other health disputes in the future and , just as certainly , the people who suffer will again be the patients .
19 I 'm quite positive that if we provide the facilities , people will come to watch .
20 The Proverbs of the Old Testament return over and over again to the theme that men should beware women ; the Jewish Talmud says that if you teach the Laws to a woman , you teach her lasciviousness ; the Hindu sage Manu teaches that if women go unrestrained , the result is anarchy ; and the oft-quoted Church Fathers and medieval theologians appear to respond to the idea of the Female with fear and disgust .
21 They begin by observing that if you scratch the bark of this tree it immediately exudes beads of milky latex .
22 Well looking at it carefully , as I have done , it 's surprising that if you take the whole of the last forty years and look across the world there are really only about eight major what you can call disasters — I call the calamities , because they are not really disasters — that have occurred with medicines .
23 But I do have to say that if you take the time off in the middle of term , I 'm afraid I wo n't be able to guarantee your post when you return to us . ’
24 No , it 's your policy that if you tell the lie often enough people people believe it .
25 We suppose that if you know the rule for +2 , you know , for any number n , the number which is n + 2 .
26 If you fall foul of your immediate superior for some reason , you may find that if you raise the matter with his boss , the problem can be resolved .
27 It is said that if you visit the Mermaid Pool of Derbyshire just before dawn , you will see them swimming gracefully in the dark waters below .
28 He said , we agree with that , he said we have decided that you will go on the detective staff on probation for a period of six months , and that means that if you like the detective staff and , and if the detective staff like you you will continue .
29 ‘ We 've done some sums and we reckon that if you use the phone for more than one and half minutes per day it will be more expensive , ’ says a west London cellphone dealer .
30 He says that if you hold the sheep properly , it wo n't struggle .
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