Example sentences of "that they could [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some may have taken part-time jobs so that they could cope with the increasing demands at home , some may never have worked at all outside the home .
2 erm because basically the answer was because it meant finding erm making some new cash contribution to a hundred million word National Corpus for the nation , rather than , as it were , ‘ selling it ’ in inverted commas , the Corpus material which Collins , through the Birmingham University already have at their disposal , and the gap between the material that they could contribute to the project in kind and the erm role we wanted them to play just was n't compatible .
3 Even when she was tiny she had n't really thought of him that way , and when she was older , about thirteen , she had secretly been terribly proud in front of the other girls when Georg , who had never seemed to go through a spotty adolescent phase like other boys , used to wait for her outside school so that they could walk up the mountain road together .
4 Soon a fairly large crowd had gathered and men were holding their sons up so that they could stand on the bar to get a better view .
5 How dare they believe that they could stand before the flower of Bretonnian chivalry !
6 Well I think there 's a distinct possibility that the people have Scotland may have then decided that they could do without the monarchy .
7 The police had been round to have a supportive chat ; there was nothing else that they could do in the circumstances .
8 Moreover , Don Juan 's sympathies lay with the Allies , which contributed to making his followers in Spain believe that they could look to the Western democracies in general , and to Great Britain in particular , for support .
9 I took them into the byre so that they could shelter from the rain .
10 My Lord the plaintiff 's case , as you can appreciate , is that Mr had very clearly , on several occasions in mid October , er requested a way out of this contract there was a way out er under the terms of the contract by service of special notice to complete erm and yet he had been told that there was no way that they could withdraw from the contract .
11 But by far the most important duties were to offer vocational guidance to prospective apprentices , to negotiate with employers on their behalf , and to encourage ‘ thrift among the parents ’ so that they could save towards the cost of the premiums .
12 But just let me come back to the the point I want to make , it is it evident to us from what was said yesterday collectively by the District Councils , that they could live with the figure of forty one thousand two hundred , as proposed by the County Council , without a new settlement .
13 But profits from their credit card schemes slumped ; they took advantage of a new government ruling that they could charge for the cards , but felt their schemes were newly threatened by the Government 's agreement to allow shops to charge lower prices when customers paid in cash .
14 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
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