Example sentences of "that they [vb past] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For one thing it overlooks God 's clear part in the extraordinary events that they witnessed the previous day .
2 It is while at an Instructor training course at the scouts ' Longbridge centre that they met the infamous Saun Baker and started to paddle with an informal group of Thames weir bashers .
3 Additionally , they could be mixed with their neighbouring emotions so that they formed the secondary emotions of : submission , awe , disappointment , remorse , contempt , aggression , optimism , and love .
4 Then the Bonn government leaned on Germany 's aerospace industry chiefs so hard that they scrapped the whole event .
5 The Pentagon must be glad that they added the faint possibility that there was one chance in ten thousand that security might be breached .
6 And it surely is som something that the people of Wiltshire can be glad that they made the right decisions in May , that they have n't got that administration ,
7 A Protestant mob was so incensed by what he said that they wrecked the Irish quarter , breaking in the fronts of houses and knocking down their roofs , and it took a battalion of troops to restore order .
8 If indeed they were prehistoric , it is doubtful that they crossed the open downland after the later Bronze Age .
9 The Staufer maintained that they accepted the magisterial primacy of the Roman Church — the pope 's power to approve and anoint the emperor — but they challenged the jurisdictional primacy , namely the pope 's claim to appoint the emperor .
10 Leaders of the Yatama Indian rebel alliance ( including Brooklyn Rivera , Wycliffe Diego and Steadman Fagoth Müller ) at the end of September signed a document confirming that they renounced the armed struggle ( although their fighters remained in the mountains ) and requested safe conduct to Nicaragua , at the same time announcing the formation of a new political party , and their support for Chamorro in the presidential elections .
11 ‘ Somebody told me that they saw the Bad Seeds recently and the show was being recorded , and that Blixa had had his volume knob turned down the whole time !
12 Conservative politicians were over-confident that they knew the right policies , and to a large extent they were contemptuous towards the professional teacher .
13 Both ladies were to say later that they knew the young man by sight , but not by name .
14 The constables were keen to display to the field-worker that they knew the appropriate law to apply and that the law gave formal justification to their decisions , but there were a variety of other factors which facilitated this sensitive interpretation of the law .
15 It was only some time later when he was safely on his way to Theatre that they realised the whole lot had been filmed .
16 They prefaced their findings by the statement that they applied the objective test to determine whether the vehicle was intended or adapted for use on public roads and they asked the question which was suggested by Lord Parker in Burns v Currell 1963 2QB 433,440 .
17 In the empire of the Tsars , the twin revolutions offered such a strikingly different alternative that they overshadowed the remarkable changes elsewhere — the disintegration of the Habsburg and Ottoman empires , and the appearance of a host of new States .
18 In Merkur Island Shipping Corporation v. Laughton the defendants were in fact given a copy of the charter of the trapped vessel before the application for an injunction , but the House of Lords held that they had the requisite knowledge independently of this .
19 Intense negotiations continued , with the generators believing that they had the upper hand because of the Government 's tight timetable and their insistence that they should not have to sign contracts before seeing the white paper .
20 With Black Fury Warner Bros had just gone a little too far by even referring to strikes and labour problems at a time of mounting industrial tension but the popular and critical reception to the movie showed that the company were not wrong to believe that they had the technical ability and the actors to make films whose reality would be appreciated .
21 Much emphasis was put on the importance of identifying the key decision-takers and making sure that they had the right information — much was made of the necessity of their getting a balanced picture on which to take their decisions .
22 Well fortunately the Spanish were even more incompetent than he was and what the Spanish commander , instead of rubbing his hands at the prospect of er the damage they were about to wreak , he discovered that they had the wrong calibre shells for their guns and Roosevelt and the Rough Riders overran the Spanish guns a and Teddy Roosevelt became a war hero and on the strength of becoming a war hero , he become vice president of the United States , got the vice presidential nomination and in good American fashion the president was shot er by an assassin er and Teddy Roosevelt became president , so there you are , there 's a there 's a career plan for you to er to think about .
23 It was within this kind of environment that chivalry flourished , that young men learned to identify , their vassalage towards their lord as a symbol of their honour , that they debated the relative merits of Roland 's and Oliver 's way of displaying loyalty ; and that they learned the finer points of jousting .
24 It is dangerous to simplify law , but our understanding is that to convict someone of a serious crime like theft , we normally have to prove not only that they committed the alleged act , but also that they knew it was wrong .
25 Finally , the RAC 's responses were interesting in that they revealed the wide variety of provision of training that already existed , carried out within institutions and provided by major regional centres , and also suggested that this diversity would continue .
26 A review of American schemes carried out in 1990 by the General Accounting Office found that they reduced the total amount of litter by 10–20% by weight and 40–60% by volume .
27 When we debated the matter last year , some hon. Members opposed the Bill on the ground that they opposed the then route for the rail link .
28 When we came down to breakfast the other guests were so absorbed in some news in the morning papers that they forgot the usual ragging of newlyweds .
29 Such was their passion that they tore the hapless Pentheus to shreds in an orgiastic fury .
30 Unfortunately , it all happened so fast that they cancelled the sold-out dates because they simply could n't get their work permits in time .
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