Example sentences of "that he have [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Damn it , he had n't meant to betray that he 'd never been able to forget that afternoon , and the sweet innocence that had touched something very deep within him .
2 On leaving , he said that his only regret , was that he had n't been able to get round to everyone and say goodbye .
3 His backsliding into sloth had happened so slowly that he had n't been aware of it .
4 Libby began to feel that he had not been real , but the tent was there , a packet of cigarettes on the rolled mattress , and the smell of smoke filled the airless canvas space , scents of sweat and soap , adult tainting .
5 The witness said that he had not been present at the meeting and had agreed that what was said then would not be recorded .
6 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
7 The minister 's one regret was that he had not been able to implement his scheme in full .
8 He sat back , studying the two men for a time , unhappy that he had not been privy to their conversations before and after this important meeting .
9 He soon found , though , that he had not been eligible to join , having refused to join the top civil servants ' trade union which was then attempting to block a Foreign Office shake-up .
10 As a member of the Select Committee , I was extremely concerned when Mr. Rimington , Director General of the Health and Safety Executive , revealed in his evidence that he had not been aware of the restrictions that Lord Cullen felt had been placed upon him in respect of investigating labour relations .
11 He reiterated his position that he had not been aware of the clandestine funding .
12 David listened and frankly avowed that he had not been conscious of all these grand ideas .
13 As soon as he confessed what he knew , fumbling the hideous admission as they came out of a rather good film about love that he had hardly been able to stand , she managed to make it seem that it was he , not she , who was the disturber of their lives .
14 For example , on one occasion a youth was caught urinating in the street late at might , and was very respectful and deferential when caught in the act , but , upon the policeman recalling that he had recently been one of a group which had shouted abuse at him , an act expected from gougers , he was arrested , and the incident was treated as a case of indecent exposure .
15 Thrush Green was sorry to hear that he had never been married , had been married unhappily and was now separated from his wife , had been happily married and lost his wife in childbirth , and ( disastrously ) still married , with a wife who would be coming to live with him at the corner house within a few days .
16 Count 1 alleged the obtaining of property by deception contrary to section 15(1) of the Theft Act 1968 , the particulars being that on or about 16 March 1988 the appellant dishonestly obtained from the Halifax Building Society a cheque for £150,000 by falsely representing ( a ) that his basic annual income was £90,000 , ( b ) that he had never been bankrupt and did not have any judgment or proceedings for debt outstanding and ( c ) that he did not have any bank or other loans or charge/credit card debts .
17 To which Robert replied that he had never been interested in photography .
18 His war record and the fact that he had never been able to catch him redhanded whilst poaching appealed to his old world code of honour .
19 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
20 Fred was a kind , considerate man , uncomplicated and loving in his way , but she regretted that he had never been able really to arouse her fully and take her to the height of passion .
21 Alcuin thought he might be employed in making peace , but the fact that he found it necessary to protest that he had never been disloyal to Offa suggests that his allegiances were being called into question .
22 He said afterwards that he had always been confident ‘ because I was not guilty ’ .
23 The explanation given was that he had always been keen on guns .
24 Martin Fleischmann told me that he had always been puzzled by the behaviour of hydrogen in palladium .
25 Alexei knew that he had always been aware of her — they were not strangers by any means — but now he straightened and stared in open admiration .
26 He found it impossible to believe that he had ever been able to write a book or give a lecture , or advise a government .
27 He began to think that he had perhaps been unfair to Tess , and he thought about her with growing affection .
28 Jacob , sharing in her delight , thought that he had perhaps been wrong to worry .
29 It was strange to think that he had once been young .
30 A shop manager who was beaten up and threatened with having his ears cut off is so badly traumatised that he 's still been unable to describe his ordeal to police .
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