Example sentences of "that he have [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 I smiled , nodding my head , not unhappy that he 'd jumped to the wrong conclusions , but surprised that he did n't know the secret of paying by instalments .
2 " He could have given me a ticking off , considering that he 'd gone to the trouble of telling me that you were coming .
3 After travelling to the little mining village and speaking to Brown 's mother , ‘ I then set out to find him , having been told that he had gone to the pit with a barrow to fetch some coal .
4 Fran exchanged pleasantries with her , curbing her impatience before finally asking if she knew where Luke had gone , and went weak with relief when the other woman informed her that he had gone to the old college .
5 Sartre 's claim for the continued validity of Marxism as a method of understanding necessarily meant that he had to respond to the problem of Stalinism .
6 Cade occurs frequently in the early pipe rolls of Henry II 's reign , where payments to him of around £5,600 are recorded , in settlement of various loans that he had made to the Crown .
7 He made a series of trips to Algeria reminiscent of those that he had made to the French provinces in the autumn of 1944 .
8 Dad was under his car working on it one Sunday morning when the police drove by and handed him a ‘ producer ’ , which meant that he had to go to the police station with all his driving documents .
9 He realised suddenly that he had to go to the bathroom .
10 Then , obviously wanting to leave us alone , our friend said that he had to go to the village of Lalatta for a short time ; he would be back in twenty minutes , by which time I would have to start making my way back to Lagrimone .
11 Richard admitted that he had listened to the advice of people who were deliberately trying to sow dissension between them .
12 The truth was , he thought ironically , that he had got to the age when it was too late to have splendid dreams and nice thoughts about himself ; the age when childless people feel the lack of children .
13 His appeal for what he termed the " purification " of their political records had been well received at the time , but new investigations into the Recruit-Cosmos scandal had revived allegations that he had lied to the Diet ( Parliament ) in 1988 over his involvement with the case , and allegations of other , hitherto unknown , scandals had spread rapidly .
14 He said that he had outlined to the Chinese leadership Japan 's four-point overseas development aid policy , which linked aid to the recipient 's military spending , its arms imports and exports and its human rights situation .
15 Before he expected , his feet met blocks of stone , and he realised that he had come to the edge of the great sprawling tip of the infill .
16 He told me that he had come to the Legion so that he could kill people without going to prison .
17 I went to see Eric to tell him about this conversation and found that he had come to the same conclusion .
18 But he may also have intended to remind those present that he had come to the throne as a result of the treaty he had made with Edmund , which according to Florence of Worcester established peace , friendship and brotherhood between them .
19 As for Prince Charles , having declared that he kept an open mind on the subject of complementary medicine , he gave a dissertation on the recent allegations that he had taken to the occult : ‘ I do not play with a Ouija board .
20 ( Rebel sources reported that he had fled to the southern port of Kismayu , with the aim of entering Kenya , which had promised him safe conduct .
21 BISHOP JOHN CROWLEY writes of Bishop Harris : With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
22 With everyone else I share a sense of gratitude to him for all that he has given to the church at both a diocesan and a national level during his 14 years as bishop here .
23 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is a regular human being with knobs on , midway through our interview , midway through an answer , just as he 's about to take a swig of his double decaff coffee with lemon on the side , he announces that he has to go to the toilet .
24 Despite the major differences between the Conservative party and the Ulster Unionist party following the imposition by the Conservative party of the Anglo-Irish Agreement and partial Dublin rule through Stormont , will the Minister accept on a personal level that there is widespread respect throughout Northern Ireland for the contribution that he has made to the rejuvenation of Royal avenue in our capital city of Belfast ?
25 He told us that he has written to the officer in charge of his interrogation : ‘ Since we met , I have met something new — these four things , absolute honesty , purity , unselfishness and love .
26 Now that he has advanced to the front ranks of the most expensive and super-hyped entertainment on earth , Brundle has acquired some of the essential accoutrements of a global celebrity who earns over a million dollars a year .
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