Example sentences of "that he [be] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Pound may be right or wrong about the merits of Binyon 's version , as about the sorts of language that are acceptable in verse translation ; what is certain is that he 's here applying to diction a sort of sliding scale or set of variable standards such as Ford 's principles did n't allow for .
2 So Ernie will be very pleased to know that he 's not required to er , star this morning .
3 The Swindon Town manager Glenn Hoddle has been meeting the club 's directors amid rumours that he 's about to move to Chelsea .
4 The Booksellers and Publishers Associations are concerned that the trade and the public will be lulled into a false sense of security by recent press reports that the Prime Minister is taking control of economic policy and that he is widely believed to be against increasing taxes , including VAT .
5 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
6 Apart from anything else , that 'll ensure the court that he is not tempted to be involved in any similar incident in the future with is girlfriend .
7 She makes no acknowledgement of their affair in public and he understands that he is not to refer to it with these new acquaintances .
8 It might come as something of a surprise to learn that he is now considered to be an Englishman .
9 ‘ It is wonderful for me that he is there to talk to .
10 The point is clear : if the hon. Gentleman feels that he is totally committed to his mandate and that he has not changed his opinion , he should ask the electors of Dunfermline , not me .
11 The latter wished to marry Molla Yegan to his daughter , but Molla Yegan refused on the grounds that he was already betrothed to the daughter of his teacher in Aydin .
12 She was sure that he was strongly attracted to her — yes , loved her .
13 The Chief Constable had decided to dispense with his services because of a report made on the probationer constable which led the Chief Constable to believe that he was not fitted to be a member of the police force .
14 Mr Gow made it clear that he was not referring to small men in any literal sense .
15 His subsequent disclaimer that he was not referring to the British nuclear deterrent , which was closely integrated in the Strategic Air Command 's target planning , but to de Gaulle 's Force de Frappe , lacked conviction — it was too near the truth for British comfort !
16 She had a distinctly uncomfortable feeling that he was not referring to the fight which had followed that little incident .
17 They both understood that this was a formality and that he was not thought to be ‘ ill ’ .
18 On 13 November Colonel Durand learned from Wade that he was not coming to the relief of Carlisle since the roads through Yorkshire were inadequate for his artillery .
19 Cabezon was certainly in England with his master , Philip of Spain , for more than a year during 1554–5 when it is improbable that he was not known to Blitheman who was in the service of Mary I. Perhaps also a copy of his belatedly published Obras de musica ( 1578 ) found its way to England , offering models of song variation .
20 Edward indicated that he was not committed to Balliol 's cause , and the arrival of Balliol at Carlisle as a fugitive must have made both king and parliament have second thoughts about his value as an ally .
21 He knew that he was not going to be happy if he were deprived of the chance to study .
22 If so , it would only have increased his feeling of vulnerability and awkwardness for , until he had come to recognize that he was not going to be the greatest poet of the age after Yeats , Lewis was always hostile to poets .
23 In the course of my pastoral visiting , before I took a funeral service , I called on the dead man 's son , who told me that he fell out with his father at his wedding twenty years previously and that he was not going to the funeral service now !
24 The idea had taken firm root in his brain and Carew knew that he was not going to be easily discouraged .
25 It was plain that he was not going to .
26 The knowledge that he was not going to be charged with Angy 's murder had aroused profound relief but not elation ; his invitation for this evening had brought pleasure but no excitement .
27 In addition Richard Armitage , acting as a special US ambassador to the Middle East , held previously unannounced talks with King Hussein on Jan. 22 , following a statement by US President Bush that he was not planning to " write off " Jordan because of differences of opinion on the Gulf conflict .
28 Damn him for dissembling ; for pretending to Daniel that he was n't wounded to the core at being passed over , pretending that it was only Anna who was suffering , as if it were she who could not bear the lack of advancement , of increased prosperity .
29 He spoke of his loneliness of heart and spirit that he was n't allowed to even talk to his love , and then , as though remembering that Rosemary had asked Leith to look after him , in his loneliness he suddenly asked Leith to have dinner with him .
30 Although Gaumont-British also declared a loss in 1937 , of £98,000 , Balcon 's departure from the company was precipitated by the prospect of Maxwell , a man whose production philosophy he abhorred , taking a stake in the company , and a general sense that he was n't going to be able to continue the same broad-based production policy as before .
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