Example sentences of "that be made [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , unlike many of the promises that are made over the clinking of glasses and in the glow of a few drinks , and despite the fact that Pam and Tony lived near Thurso in the north of Scotland , Wendy was working in Bristol and I lived in Shetland , we got in touch later and laid firm plans for a trip to Lapland .
2 The religious identity of the fisherman is of particular interest in the way that this relates to their membership of fishermen 's organisations and the uses that are made of the system of state supports to the fishing industry in the Province .
3 However , it will say that everything is being done to see that whatever attempts that are made on the whereabouts of its disclosures will be judged by their predicament and a positive answer will be prepared .
4 The suggestions that are made on the basis of the analysis may not suit everyone 's palate .
5 Thus , the results are very impressive : there is obviously a regular pattern in them , and as they are accountable to observed data , they are much more persuasive than categorical statements about language that are made on the basis of introspection alone .
6 So the claims that are made for the good of prison does your not , your not impressed by , well we have to give right of reply to Patricia as you work at Cottonvale .
7 Because we have two original builders of pianos , we also divide our pianos into two classes : those that are made in the style of Walter and those made in the style of Streicher .
8 It is a great pity that hon. Members do not take more notice of the admirable reports that are made by the Comptroller and Auditor General , which are followed up so well by the Public Accounts Committee .
9 After all the overtures that were made to the FA to get the game switched from Leeds to Wembley the demand for tickets has vindicated that decision .
10 This is in accord with the assumptions that were made for the attention focusing explanation given for the different relationship between risk and P(A) in the two cases .
11 Reprisals , they say , for those raids that were made on the Kasbah . ’
12 Notwithstanding the efforts that were made at the conference to din the contradiction between conservation and utilitarianism into the brains behind DOCOMOMO , the lure of the rolling expense accounts of museum culture was too strong .
13 After two cancellations that were made at the behest of the managing director , Peter Threfall , I had had enough .
14 Membership expressing real views , real concerns and John if you listen very carefully , it was also about wanting to see a delivery of the promises that were made about the merger .
15 The Fire Exhibition displays some of the discoveries that were made during the repairs .
16 It is brought home sharply when we look at the two lists of the inhabitants of the Nottinghamshire village of Clayworth that were made by the minister in 1676 and 1688 , for we find that no less than 61.8 per cent of those recorded in 1676 were not there twelve years later ; only one-third of those who had disappeared had died .
17 On the other hand , as mentioned in Chapter 6 , there might be primordial black holes with a very much smaller mass that were made by the collapse of irregularities in the very early stages of the universe .
18 I am looking at the specific points that were made by the delegation to me earlier this month .
19 But wi with the appointment of er of the regulator and the oth the other erm recommendations that were made by the report , we think with that backup w w we are still basically happy to continue with Trust Law .
20 The Maidenhead factor was exemplified by claims that were made after the flood in February 1990 .
21 A note was taken of the submissions that were made before the judge which show that he asked the solicitor representing them if the appellants knew of the date of the hearing , and the solicitor said that they did , as indeed was the case .
22 The report also allows me to re-confirm the financial contribution that is made to the running costs of the Unit .
23 I begin by repeating the point that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State made in a letter to my hon. Friend the Member for Devon , North on 14 January , that in an organisation the size of the health service , which deals with so many patient contacts , it should not be surprising — indeed , it should be welcomed — that we do not seek to impose total uniformity on every single decision that is made about the treatment of patients across the country .
24 And it is vital to see that there was a real Unionist case against the government , for this alone explains the popular support that was mobilized and the impression that was made on the army and the King — the only forces left to stop the government .
25 as a follow up to the statement that was made on the evening , on the Sunday evening when you gave your explanation when made the point about the visit for a weekend away , or a day away , and to involve the parishioners .
26 Thus power in modern capitalism might be more fractionated and pluralist than in the past — it might also be based on non-class political divisions — but in practice the use that was made of the state and its scope of manoeuvre would be conditional on whether it threatened capitalism as a system .
27 The real comparison is not with the use that was made of the land sixty years ago , when poverty was the great dictator , but with the use of similar land , on large estates , in the same area today .
28 Urquhart then plugs this figure into an assessment of the health effects of polonium that was made by the NRPB itself in a report on the radiological impact of coal-fired power stations .
29 It is our understanding that were it not for the contact that was made by the state lottery with Scientific Games , that they would be a bidder , the Scientific Games system is a good system .
30 And also last Friday at education committee there was a long debate , both on the procedure which would be adopted by the working party , in discharging it 's remit and in particular the policy which it recommended regarding small schools , and also an extended debate on one of the areas which was a subject of recommendation by the er , district auditor which concerns the organisation of first and middle schooling in the Meer area , and there the working party did look very specifically at the recommendation that was made by the district auditor that decided on balance that that was n't likely to produce the best and most cost effective education in that part of the county .
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