Example sentences of "that have been [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Convention continues the distinction that has been traditionally drawn between rights and obligations , and assumes that they can be effectively distinguished .
2 The Havelok text ( Bodleian MS Laud Misc 108 ) is one of those sources that has been traditionally thought to be the work of an Anglo-Norman scribe ( Sisam , 1915 ) on the grounds that the spelling is highly variable in the respects specified by Skeat and indeed in some other respects also .
3 In higher education , it introduces devolution from a United Kingdom funding council to a new Scottish body , something that has been universally welcomed by universities and others .
4 But it is the lenders ' generosity with their funds during that era that has been partly blamed for the continuing rise in the number of arrears and repossession cases .
5 Yet , one of the catchwords that has been widely heard in Washington and elsewhere during the run up to the war has been the need to create a democratic environment in the Middle East after the war is over .
6 Terry McLaughlin , the deputy editor of the Irish News , said some of the material shown to him was marked ‘ top secret ’ , the highest security classification , and went beyond the type of photo-montage material that has been widely leaked over the past month .
7 Although I fully understand and share the concern that has been widely expressed about the implications of this case , I have no plans to institute any formal inquiry .
8 A relatively old rug that has been well looked after may be in far better condition than a newer item that has seen less considerate use , and some contemporary items are deliberately made to look old by the use of chemical washes ( p. 27 ) .
9 A recent source of data about the ethnic minorities in Britain that has been extensively used in this chapter is Brown ( 1984 ) , which is based on a large-scale survey for the Policy Studies Institute .
10 We will also see cases where we do not categorize whole organizations in this way but we separate out those functions within the organization which could be classed as Type A and those which could be classed as Type B. This can also lead to parts of public sector organizations being classified as ‘ profit-oriented ’ , a trend that has been particularly marked during the 1980s with the increasing use of Direct Service Organizations in local authorities , Hospital Trusts in the health service and Executive Agencies in the civil service .
11 It is the public sector alternative to the price mechanism of ‘ the market ’ for allocating limited resources — an alternative that has been hotly debated since the origin of the Poor Law .
12 In a typical experiment on latent inhibition , a stimulus that has been repeatedly presented on its own is used as the CS ( conditioned stimulus ) in a conditioning procedure and the course of acquisition of the CR ( conditioned response ) is compared with that shown when a novel stimulus is used as the CS .
13 It should also drum up more work for a profession that has been badly hit by the recession .
14 I feel compassion for my soul that has been indelibly marked with the rubber stamp of religion and nationality and defiled by innumerable stains , not the least of them being those caused by myself — for we scourge ourselves terribly .
15 One aspect that has been somewhat modified by further curriculum development projects , has been the implication that pupils were not receptive to certain ways of thinking until certain stages in their development .
16 I thus started a relationship with that country that has been constantly rewarding for the rest of my life , and indeed I now regard it almost as my second homeland .
17 Brown has been important to White because he provides the top-level training practice that has been so lacking in the build-up to this world championships .
18 In doing so she is reviving the ‘ great divide ’ theory that has been so discredited by social anthropologists and sociolinguists .
19 As far as I am aware , this theory has found very little formal or scholarly expression , although it lies below the surface of much that has been informally expressed by directors of English ensembles and by others , both in conversation and in the various kinds of writing generated by the commercial music business .
20 Alternatively it could have developed as another example of a prey-killing poison that has been secondarily used against attackers .
21 This stricture is one that has been variously repeated in a large number of literary and critical theories in this century .
22 Soil from land that has been recently dressed with artificial fertilizer should be similarly avoided , as this too will pollute the water .
23 My hon. Friend will know that there was a real-terms increase in the science and technology budget this year , a point that has been readily acknowledged by scientists up and down the country .
24 In fact , Hammersmith Road might belong to any British city that has been silently raped during the past few years .
25 To a computer programmer , the pattern of distribution of these ‘ genetic fossil ’ fragments is uncannily reminiscent of the pattern of text on the surface of an old disc that has been much used for editing text .
26 Space-age French designer Andre Courreges came up with a classic in 1964 that has been much copied since — the mid-calf , soft kid , white boot for women .
27 A horse that has been continually galloped by one owner , is not going to change its expectations of being ridden just because it has been bought by someone who wants to travel at a more sedate speed !
28 These tough measures are part of a determined effort by the newly independent country to regain control of a resource that has been systematically plundered over the past three decades .
29 Structural studies of the shales and greywackes of the Skiddaw Group have refined the understanding of the deformational history : the early episode of major slump folding identified previously now appears to have been followed by a period of upright folding that has been subsequently modified by south-directed thrusting .
30 This is a point that has been commonly overlooked in the past , even by geologists , since there is a general tendency to assume that the only rocks worth bothering about are ‘ hard ’ rocks , which can be hit with a hammer !
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