Example sentences of "that hold [art] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The latter is further symbolized in the awakening lion and the eagle that holds the emblem of the city in its feet .
2 But ‘ there is no one method , medium , approach , device , or philosophy that holds the key to the process of learning to read …
3 The famous Bullock report of 1975 , A language for life , after an investigation of teaching in schools , came to the conclusion that ‘ there is no one method , medium , approach , device , or philosophy that holds the key to the process of learning to read ’ ( DES , 1975 , p.77 ) .
4 We can expect it as a standard feature from the database , once we 've built the systems that hold the costs for the the estimated costs for value of the work .
5 like , so you 've got a solenoid that holding the top on the pivot and the bit at the bottom just like a
6 The board that held the keys in the porter 's charge hung just within the doorway , and she had sharp enough eyes to pick out the nail that was empty , and the fellow to the absent key close beside it .
7 By this time it was only the bullards and the newly created orders of masons that held the knowledge of the bull .
8 It was the prevalence of this illusion that held the key to the overwhelming popularity of the League and of collective security in Britain in the mid-1930s .
9 The day before we were going to fly we were putting the airplane together — it was a Sunday — and we found out that we had forgotten to make the flanges that held the tailpipe to the airplane .
10 ‘ Bastards ! ’ he said loudly , and repeated the oath as he reached up to untie the string that held the body of the puppy .
11 Then when he became a supporter of the organic movement — ironically through sitting on the Select Committee on agriculture that held an enquiry into the effects on people 's health linked to the use of pesticides — it was all too much for the farming press and his local party workers .
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